A Game of Dance

Niu Weizhe could not stop thinking about Yang Caihong's poem. But he still have doubts.

What if it was just a coincidence? What if it was just a typo?

It had bothered him for such a long time. He could not ask him directly about it, his fear overpowering his anticipation and curiosity. But...

Now, there's a way to find out.

"Would you like to dance with me?"

"My pleasure."

After Bai He and Hu Dongtian's dance, the first pair to come together was no other than... the beautiful chief producer herself and the dashing chief photographer.

The crowd did not expect a pair that works from the backstage to take the front stage, but they were eating it up. The hostess gave some background narration to who they are, striking the public's interest. So these two, this man and woman pair, were the ones who made the show possible. The show is the child of their creative minds and imagination, or so the host says.