Hu Dongtian's Room

The room was modern and a little more minimalistic than Mo Aini expected. The only decor in the living room was a well-arranged DVD collection, some antiques, and some new. With Mo Aini's knowledge in English, he knew immediately that these DVDs were divided according to genre in sections, and each section was arranged alphabetically.

Everything was placed symmetrically. The room smelled like Hu Dongtian's office, that distinct chemical smell of disinfectants. There was not a speck of dust on the floor, the walls the roof..... it was impeccably clean like it's owner.

Well, on most days. Right now, the owner of the house was dirtied, and it was all because of Mo Aini.

Hu Dongtian's long raven black hair dripped and soiled the carpets, and he took off his shoes. Looking at the mess he made, he frowned. "I would have to ask for the whole house to be cleaned tomorrow. I'll stay at a hotel for now."