Switching Roles

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tu..... You're asking me to what!?"

"Come on, Mr. Mo. You're my only hope here. I'll tell you what, I'll pay you 1 million yuan---- no, 10 million!" He heard Tu Xongjiu's overly friendly tone on the phone. "And that's for every month! I just really need this favor and I'm willing to pay as much as you want me to!"

"Mr. Tu, money is not the problem here. In case you have forgotten, I am the secretary of the next CEO to Hu Tobacco." Mo Aini rubbed his forehead. "Why exactly do you need this favor?"

"Er, that's a little confidential, Mr. Mo."

Mo Aini wondered what could possibly make an egotistical movie emperor who's pride and joy is becoming a world-famous star to want to skip 4 months of shooting and have a lookalike replace him while he's away.