Double Happiness

In the end....

"Alright then. Let's have the writers decide if they see this improve to fit the benefit of the story."

Cheng Lili picked the second option. He couldn't bear to play this kind of role either. Doing so would mean that she would have less free time from her already hectic schedule as a producer. Meaning less time to plan how to deal with Shuaige and...

She looked at Bai He, who was also staring at her with worry for her decision. 

"Hm, that would mean that the Goddess would have less screentime. Which is also a pity, because Producer Cheng plays her so well." One of the writer noted. 

"But fans are looking forward for more scenes with Eucalyptus and Lord Deciem." Another one pointed out. "And the Goddess is a minor role anyway."

"I guess it's no problem. Let's see how Mr. Hu plans to improvise it. "