No Reconciliation

When Mo Aini woke up, Hu Dongtian was sleeping soundly by his side.

He was relieved, to say the least. No sudden blackouts where he was taken from him. Hu Dongtian laid his pretty little head on his chest. 

"If only I could kidnap you to some far away dimension with space pirates where we could happily sail off in the galaxy, I would." He said still half-asleep. 

"Bring me to your spaceship then, captain..." 

Mo Aini's eyes were now fully open, and he leaned up on his elbow. He poked Hu Dongtian's cheek. "How long have you been awake, eh?"

"I'm not awake, I'm still dreaming of Da Ge taking me to his faraway galaxy and planning to defeat the Intergalactic Emperor." Hu Dongtian answered with a cheeky Chuntian-like smile. 

"And then what do we do once we defeat the Intergalactic Emperor and his space monkey mutant soldiers with tentacle eyes?" 

"We make out and make space babies, of course."