Laying Out Chess Pieces

In an old broken down tea shop, a lone man and his five large dogs were drinking tea. 

He was sitting over a table, sipping with much calmness.  He held his cup with grace, but then---

Someone took the cup from him and downed it with one gulp.

He did not frown and just smiled at this person, but there was no warmth in that smile. It was filled with malice and passive hatred. 

"Your tea taste as horrible as always, Mei. You don't know how to control your water level." 

"Then why don't you make your own instead of drinking mine?" He tilted his head to the side and said one word yet with dripping with so much sarcasm.


"I'm parched. I can drink anything, even the blood of your dogs." He poured himself another cup of tea and gulped it down.

"Thirsty from tormenting people in hell?" The one called 'Mei' just took another cup from the shelf and continued drinking tea.