World basic info

first beings:

Premordial gods - extinct.

First creations of the primordial gods:

Gods and Goddesses - Very small population barely few hundreds, they are split into low, middle and high gods. Each high god has their own world/planet (there are some rare cases where god doesn't have a world/planet or has more than one)

Legendary beasts -Population unknown, First beasts created by the Primordial gods, ancestors to all other beasts.

Elementals - Almost extinct, They have the appearance of small glowing light, they are the messengers of the primordial gods and each type has different kinds of powers blessed by the god or goddess they served.

Other beings created by different gods:

The same amount as the population of the high class gods. In case of the gods death Who doesn't have a successor with the same ability the whole species will be extinct.