<3> Unexpected encounters


Finally entering the cafeteria amidst the crowds The school was so damn big, no wonder its the school where BTS resides, I had difficulty in finding the cafeteria thanks to my teleportation to this unknown world. I take my tray of food with sweet aroma filling my nose anticipating the high class food . My old school had nothing of this fancy food in their plates.

I sit down on a empty table on the far corner of the room and studying the students in the room. I spot Jungkookie in a table with his friends who are none other than TXT!! Wow ,but isn't he supposed to be sitting with his family i.e BTS? I swirl my eyes all over the room but couldn't spot any of them. " May be they are somewhere else or didn't come to school".

Keeping the thought aside, I drifted my attention to the yummy food on my table and digged into it. OMG.....The juicy burgers and the creamy muffins ~~~ I am in paradise .

Not so long after me continuing to savor the taste of this holy world, I felt cold juice in contact with my body. In fact, someone spilled juice over whole my body and my foooddd! I stood up to punch the face of that person whoever dared to spoil my heavenly food but my hand stopped in mid-air upon taking a look at my BULLY.

??:" How does it feel to be in the same family with orange? You smell just like orange. LOL" He started laughing," Next time I would be sure to make you a part of peach family"And he left me dumbfounded and went out of the cafeteria.

The bully was no other than MIN YOONGI.

Y/N:" Wow with one star being a pissed off teacher, one being aloof and thinking of me as a stalker , one star not taking a glance over me and running around like a bunny to his friends and now another star is a BULLY OF MINE! AND SUGA? WHAT THE PHOKING-----"

I ran off to washroom cause I was probably reeking of orange aroma and my food was already diluted with juice. I might need a chemistry student to find the concentration of food in the diluted solution. I cleaned myself but I didn't have any spare clothes and I don't know anyone (friend/well wisher) from whom I can borrow clothes. I was at my wit's end when I realised I might have spare clothes in my locker. Oh come on! Fantasy world can't be that cruel ..can it?

With glittering hope, I rushed off to my locker and luckily found spare clothes and I rush off to washroom to change. I stopped on my tracks when I heard sobs of someone crying alone in an empty class. I didn't want to meddle in other people business but my instinct wouldn't allow me to. So I peeked over the class and my breath stopped for a moment on witnessing PARK JIMIN weeping in the corner looking outside the window. He was looking kinda pale and had bruises over his face. I was worried but I was in no position to offer him any help.

Still, I can't leave a star of my world alone. Can I? So I went to him and offered him my handkerchief. He looked over to me with his teary eyes, his face being puffy and red from all the crying. I felt bad on seeing the person cry who made me smile during the worst days of my life.

Jimin: ( Taking the handkerchief I offered) "Thank you"

Y/N" Its no problem Moc- ..I mean Jimin" (I nearly called him mochi)

Jimin: " How did you know my name?"

Here we go with the same shit again. No pls I am not a stalker " Umm You know--"

Jimin: " Never mind. Thanks for comforting me. I should keep going. You should too. Won't you be late for your classes?"

Y/N:" Oh yeshh.. I completely forgot. WHo knows the next teacher might eat me up alive and I didn't even change. Okay bye ..take care Jimin"

I rushed out of the classroom without sparing a glance at Mochi.

Jimin POV


