<6> Improving my image

Jimin accompanied me to my classroom and went towards his classroom which is just opposite to mine ,which mean I can always sneak a glance of Mochi yassss! I entered into the classroom happily due to the ongoing merry events happening since morning .

Students have already gathered at their seats and are gossiping in groups. Some are busy trying out the new bey-blades that have come out in the market while some are probably busy bitching about others. Majority of them are heads over heels for RM , one could clearly hear stuffs like ," OMG! I just passed through the staff room and RM sir was looking breathtakingly sexy in black shirt". I sighed at those silly comments cause everyone knows about 'Namtiddies supremacy' .My eyes started wandering around the classroom looking for my only friend (as of now) , Kookie.

Jungkook is drawing something near the window at the corner of the room. I decided to sneak upon him cause I didn't want to perturb him while he was being absorbed in his artistic meditation.

I quietly tip-toed to the back of my Kookie and took a glance at his art. He was drawing the playground outside the school window. The amount of detailing and mastery of colours is unquestionable which made his drawing so realistic as if the kids in his art are just gonna come out of it. The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without the work. This painting looks just like a real photo. This painting keeps getting better all the time every time I take a look at it. His perspective on art is so refreshing.

I was really mind-blown~ I mean yeah..in other world, I was always astounded by his artistic talents and his superficial drawing skills which always amazed me how he could hone so many talents at such a young age. But witnessing his drawing 'LIVE' and his calm yet determined face ,which shows how much dedication he harbors in accomplishing something, made me respect and adore him many-folds more.

Y/N: : " Stupefying !" ~ The word came out as a reflex. He quickly stopped what he was doing and looked over at me and a frown appeared on his face.

JK:" How long were you spying on me huh? "

Y/N" Come on Jungkook. Don't be a meanie. Lemme look at your drawing more closely."

JK:( Wrapping his artbook and packing it in his bag, not giving me a chance)" This is trash. You don't need to look at trashes. They are better off in the trashbin. I will dispose of them after school."

Y/N: (shocked ):" WHAT IN THE ACTUAL PHOKING WORLD ARE YOU TELLING? Your drawing is like absolutely mesmerising . I could spend hours admiring the artwork you just made. Why would you call your arts trash !!?"

JK:( stunned by the honest compliment of Y/N. Tries hard to hold the smile which was threatening to show up):" You don--" His words cut off by sudden arrival of RM sir.

RM:" Good Morning Students! Now get back to your seats !" I quickly took my seat beside Kookie and didn't dare to utter any word cause I didn't want to lower my image in front of RM any more"

After doing away with roll call ( as he is our homeroom teacher, LUCK IS ON MAH SIDE), he began his lessons. English has always been my forte since childhood , so I grasped the lessons quickly than anyone and even responded to all his questions.

RM raised an eyebrow at me and said," Miss Y/N is unusually active today. Good! Probably, the punishment yesterday was a good medicine" I smile awkwardly yet feeling proud of getting praised by RM, who has been my sole motivation in previous world.

Jk whispered to me," Wow I didn't know that you were so good in English. Can you please teach me after school?" I WAS WAITING FOR THIS PERFECT MOMENT. Who in their right mind would reject a free chance of being alone Kookie????

Y/N: " Ofcourse! I would be glad to!" A huge grin plastered on my face.

" NO CHATTING IN MY CLASS! " ~RM exclaimed with his back facing at us but clearly pinpointing the wrongdoers that is us.

Ops, I was scolded again. DAMN!




It was lunchtime and Jungkook again fled to his friends. Ughh.. I wanted to talk to him. It seems that Jungkook is only a 'normal friend' of mine. We are nothing like close. Yeah not everything is on my side .

I was not feeling like eating because I overstuffed myself in morning with kimchi fried rice. Who can resist the cooking of Seokjin? So I was lying down on my bench alone in the class pondering over the incidents that happened since yesterday. Others have went to the cafeteria.

I was deep down in my thoughts that I didn't notice that someone has entered the classroom and locked the door from inside.

That person took his steps towards me and whispered to my ear in dangerously calm voice.

??: " Kitten got brave today, huh?!"