<8> Misunderstanding and unknown feelings

Jimin: " Meet me at the rooftop after class. I will introduce you to Tae."

I don't know what Jimin was planning in his little devilish mind but all I could do was tag along with him in order to friendzone Tae. I found my way up through the stairs to the top of the school, but the rooftop was empty with no sight of Jimin or Tae.

Y/n:" Aish this boy! Did he prank me??!" I feel silly for having my expectations high. I should have known how notorious our mochi is. Ugh!! As I have come all the way to rooftop, why don't I enjoy the view as rooftop was always the peaceful place in my old world with noone to perturb me, where I could spend time alone away from all the dirty mess of the world and reflect on myself.

I feel cold breeze hitting my face. I open my messy bun and let it dance along with the wind. The sound of birds chirping and the view of students playing down there in yards made me somewhat calm. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice when the door of the rooftop slowly creaked open letting a person in.


As usual, I paved my way towards the rooftop where I would spend time with Jimin. It was kinda the secret place for us as we have shared so many memories together there. We would always come up here during our off-school days and play all kinds of games together, letting ourselves submerge in the tranquility of the surroundings. We even study together here as this is least visited by students and normally noone would come upto here to disturb us. With the girls swooning over my face and always stalking me, this is the best place where I can relax. In a way, you can say this is the place where I can be myself without being bothered by worldly problems .

I opened the door to the rooftop only to realise that it has already been preoccupied by someone which is unusual as nobody comes here at this hour. I peeked over to see a girl lost in her thoughts. Her wavy hair was synching along with wind and she had a gentle yet sweet smile plastered over her face.

V:" Wait, she seems kind of familiar." I closed the distance between us to get a better view of her face. " Isn't she that weird girl from yesterday ?" I lost my temper thinking she followed me upto here. Wow she was really stalking me!

V: " Wow, I must really applaud your stalking skills. No stalkers before you has ever succeeded in stalking me upto here. "


I was submerged in my own thoughts when I heard a familiar voice behind me. I noticed Tae clenching his jaw with pure anger and shooting daggers at me with his eyes. I gulped in fear not really processing what to say. WHERE ARE YOU JIMIN? HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME ALONE HERE!?

V:" This was the only place where I felt like myself, the only place where I could relax away from the dirty and judgmental stares of others. NOW you have ruined it! Of-course, I shouldn't be surprised. You stalkers are like that, always breaking into the privacy of others only to satisfy your so called obsession and destroying the mental health of your victims. You are no less than a criminal indulged in every action to stalk your victim and intrude in their private life!

I teared up at his words. How could he say such mean things to me without actually letting me explain.

Y/N:" You hav-e got it all wro-ng. I didn't do it intent-ion-ally. "

Tae slammed his hands on the railing beside me trapping me within his arms. He was so damn furious at that time that even Min Yoongi's temper was no match for him.

V:" HUHH!? Now you are again going with you innocent act and playing the victim card as if the criminal is me ! I hate people like you! No I DETEST PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO FAKE CRY ALL THE TIME AFTER RUINING THE MENTAL HEALTH OF OTHERS!"

This was the ending line for me. I couldn't bear it any more,my tears already overflowing down my cheeks. I gathered up all the courage and shouted at him, without bothering that he was my star in previous world. This was just too much for me!

Y/N:" Don't you dare humiliate me like this! " His eyes widened at my yelling, he stepped back from me noticing my tears flowing non-stop. I continued," THis place is not reserved for you. You neither own this school nor any place within our school. Every student has access to this place! And FYI, I didn't even come here out of my own will. Your friend Jimin invited me here!"

V:( Looking at me with shocked expression)" HUh? Why would Jimin invit--" The door shut open cutting him off. Jimin walked in with his earphones plugged in his ears.

Jimin: " Oh sorry. I had to run some errands thats why I was late Tae. Oh y/n, you are already here. What happened why are you crying!?" Jimin looked at me worriedly as he came closer to me.

I was in no position to talk to him or in any mood to befriend Tae after he said those rude things about my personality. I ignored Jimin and ran off from there leaving them behind.

<< V POV>>

Jimin was shocked. He turned to me and asked," Did you say something harsh to her?" He asked in a low voice but you can sense from his tone of asking that he was disappointed in me.

V:" Did you invite her here?" I retorted ignoring his question.

Jimin:" Yes. I invited her here. I wanted us to be friends, thats why. Don't tell me you ended up venting out your anger on her due to some misunderstanding"

I facepalmed myself and ran my hands through my hair in frustration realising what I just did.

V:" Yes, I screwed one big time." ~ Regret evident in my voice.





Classes have ended and everyone was going back towards their home. But I don't fall in those lucky crowd of students. I am still in school at my detention class as one of the idols have gifted me with detention for a week. Wow! Wait, this is not the end. I am TRAPPED here with Min Yoongi who is punished for engaging into a fight and hence was asked to self-reflect in detention. Oh GOD! How worse could it be! You could have sent Jungkook here instead of Suga . I won't deny that I am was soooo damn scared of him after what happened today morning. I am scared even to utter a single word to him.

Suga: " Hey slave! " He called me in a commanding tone.

I didn't reply. He was looking so frightening with so many bruises over his face . GOD PLEASE SAVE ME!

He then got up from his seat and started walking towards me. OMG ! Is he coming here? Please don't ! Please don't ! I was whispering to myself digging into my book on the desk to avoid his gaze. My heart felt like it would pop out when he sat beside me. Come on! The whole class is empty. Why bother to sit beside me !?

I attempted to stand up only to get pushed back to the seat by him. I WAS SCREWED.

Suga: " Ignoring me huh? " He asked in his usual dominating voice. I quickly shook my head in fear.I was mentally preparing myself for his next punishment.

Suga:" I am quite surprised to see you here. Weren't you always the nerdy one?" He laughed loudly.

I was surprised that he was not angry. I looked over to him laughing loudly showing his gummy smile. My lips curved into a smile upon seeing him laughing. It was actually the first time I saw his gummy smile; at other times, he would just want excuse to bully me. My eyes wandered over to his face and it pained me to see so many bruises and they were still not treated.

I quickly opened my backpack and rummaged through my stuff and took out my first aid kit. He stopped laughing and looked at me confused.

Suga:" What are you doing?"

I ignored him and put antiseptic on a cotton and pressed it on his bruise without his permission. He hissed in pain and was about to retort back when I cut him off," Stay Still! I need to disinfect your bruises, You shouldn't leave them untreated."


I was dumbstruck at her actions. Was she actually caring for me? I don't know but I felt unknown emotions in my heart. I shrugged them off. I noticed her treating me with extreme concern in her eyes and the way her eyes were welling up with tears at my bruises. I mean it's pretty normal for a thug like me to get injured every now and then. But nobody actually cared fro me or even bothered to look after me and here y/n whom I bully all the time is treating me. Unknowingly, I started staring at her and admiring her features~ her nose, glossy lips, pinkish cheeks and her teary yet pearl like eyes. . Yes, she looks so beautiful and innocent, someone who needs to be protected at all costs. I could her body tensed up at my stares but I didn't care.

After she was done treating my wounds, she backed off but I put my hand around her waist and pulled her back , our noses almost touching. She was looking at me with fear and her breathing hitched. I don't know why I love seeing her this pitiful. But quickly I felt anger rushing through my veins at seeing her dry tears.

Suga:" Did you cry? WHO MADE YOU CRY !!?"


I flinched at his voice. It must be because of incident at the rooftop that I still had dry tears. I cried insanely in washroom after that encounter with Tae. He must have noticed my dry tears. I proceeded to reply him only when I heard a voice interrupting us from behind.

RM:" What are you two doing!?"


