<10> My Hope, J-Hope

Where is my sunshine?




My eyes were still wondering around the classroom looking for Hobi but he was not there. Is Hobi not even in the dance class? Is he somewhere else in his world away from rest of BTS? Where is he? Won't I get to meet Hobi ? I don't know when my eyes got teary at the thought of not being able to meet Hobi, my sunshine. My thoughts got interrupted when our dance teacher, Son Sung-deuk entered into our classroom.

Deuk: " Good Morning students! Please take your seats. We will begin the class shortly."

OMG! BTS's choreographer, Son Sung-Deuk is gonna be our dance teacher in this new world! I can't wait to take the lessons from him. I can't wait to experience what BTS felt and learnt from him and want to verify his everlasting stories of talent and glories as stated by BTS.

SUddenly the classroom door was thrashed open by a student who seemed like a senior. He was panting and was breathing heavily, covered with sweat.

??:(panting)" Sir , May I come in? I am sorry for being late. I missed my school bus, so I had to run all over my home to school."

My eyes inadvertently went towards this voice and a large smile spread across my face. There he was standing at the entrance of the classroom, with his usual laughter on his face, his unique charm that is unrivalled, his smile which can heal the depressed souls and urges them to smile no matter whatever the reason~ MY HOPE,J-HOPE! His smile is really like kind of regular pills, which you need to take everyday,it's something you really can't just ignore.

Deuk:" And here I was wondering why our best dancer is absent on this crucial day."

Crucial day? Is there gonna be a competition or test? Oh GOD! I am screwed ! I think I am gonna end up disappointing Sung Deuk as well. WHY DO I HAVE SUCH A BAD LUCK WITH TEACHERS!? First RM, then SUng DEUK! Lemme die out of embarrassment!

Hobi:" Oh come on ! You know I love dancing more than I love myself. Dance is the only way to let me breathe, which is keeping me alive. "

Deuk let out a chuckle, being extremely proud of his top student and gestured him to enter. J-Hope set foot into the class and sat beside Jungkook. "Awww"~ came out automatically from my mouth at witnessing their brotherly interaction, J-Hope jumping over Kookie and hugging him like there is no tomorrow and JK giving out his bunny smile and poking his hyung . My heart felt so warm at their bonding.

Deuk:" Uhm! Enough with playing around Hoseuk. Now everyone pay attention!"

We immediately straightened ourselves and postured in attention form.

Deuk:" So as you all were notified before, I am gonna split you into groups of four. Each of your squad will practice on a song and prepare for the dance competition which is going to be held in our school 2 weeks from today."

I let out a relaxed sigh when ' 2 weeks' was mentioned. It means I have enough time to prepare for the competition. Okay Y/n! You can do it and make Deuk proud! I was in my own world which got scattered when Deuk further added," Okay first group - Suga, Jungkook,Lisa and Jennie. The four of you come up here and sit together in the first row while I split rest of the classroom."

My eyes widened on finding out that the members of Blackpink are here too. I was too absorbed in finding J-Hope that I didn't notice them sitting in the same classroom. As expected, they are pretty,well I can say they are the prettiest girls here. They have this different kind of aura from other girls.

Jk: ( with a pout face)" Hyung ! I want to be in the same group as you! Why did I get stuck with the thug our school?" He pleaded to Hobi with his bunny eyes.

I let out a chuckle at him mentioning Suga as a thug. I guess Suga is well known here of his reputation. Suga shot a death glare at me. Shit! I didn't know he was watching me and he noticed my laughing at Jk's comment. Okay Y/n, be prepared for another lovely punishment .

Suga:( pointing to Jk) " Listen kid! I have no whatsoever interest in dancing with a kid like you. So keep you mouth shut and be grateful I didn't beat you to a pulp"

JK:" Whom are you calling a kid!? I am in the same grade as you! "

Suga:" Oh maybe I didn't notice, considering you are such a whining baby!"

JK:" YOU--"

Hobi:" Okay its enough! Don't argue among yourselves . This order is decided by our teacher, don't question him JK. Now get to the first row quick if you don't wanna get scolded by him."

Jk sighed in defeat and nodded with dissatisfying look over his face.

Deuk:" The next group is ~~"

Deuk continued on assigning groups and students were already discussing on their songs.

Deuk:" Okay, the next group is- " J-Hope, Jimin, Taehyung and Y/n"

DAMN! I should be screaming out of enjoyment at having J-Hope in my group but all this excitement faded out at hearing Taehyung's name in our group. I can't yet forgive him of the mean things he directed at me yesterday and things are gonna be super awkward between us. Still, I was relieved at having Jimin and J-Hope by my side, the best dancers of BTS. We are ought to win!

I was in my own thoughts when someone grabbed my forearm and it was nobody other than Min Yoongi.

Suga:" I object to this group sir! Y/n needs to be in the same group as mine"

I cursed him internally. NO! I can't be with Suga. He is gonna bully me even in dance classes? HECK NO!

Deuk:" HEY STOB IT! You are gonna question my arrangement? On what basis you think you can just swap the members on your own ?"

Suga:" Sir, you know Y/n is weak at dancing and you surely won't want your best dancer to get stuck with a newbie like her. It would be more appropriate if she joins my group and I will teach her with my best efforts."

Deuk was contemplating on Suga's remarks. IS he gonna agree to his proposal!? PLEASE NO PLEASE!

Hobi:" Oh you don't need to worry about that. I am here. I will teach her properly. Yon don't need to butt in here." He replied with his usual smile on his face.

HE is MY LIFESAVER. Rm truly said~J-Hope's smile is like a morning sun!

Deuk:" Okay so the matter is resolved. No more questions on this matter. The class is now dissolved. Everyone work hard for the competition and make me proud!"

Everyone: " Yes SIR!"

Sir exited the classroom and so the students one by one. But here I was in middle of five stars of my world~TAehyung, J-Hope, Jimin, Kookie and suga still not letting go of his hold on my forearm.

Suga was clearly pissed and he attempted to drag me out of the classroom when Hobi pulled my other hand.

Hobi:" I think the matter is resolved Min Yoongi. You should let her go."

Suga shoot daggers from his eye at Hobi but let go of my hand. Yeah I don't think he is gonna make a scene in front of them. HE took last glance at me and went out of the classroom. One could easily tell he is super pissed. But why would one be this mad for not getting to bully?

I was in my thoughts when someone sidehugged me.

JImin:" Lets decide on our song, Y/N"