
Chapter 1- Show Off!!

{3rd POV}

"Hiyahh!!" Said a loud teen while holding his Katana.

"Yes!! I did it my Viewers! I have slashed wood! Yes!!, I have been dreaming of cutting this piece of shit!! for years! I cant believe it! Lets try it again!"...

Then the teen raises his Katana and swung it with full strength, because of his sweaty palm, he lost grip of the sword.

Panicking, the teen trips on the chips of wood on the floor.

He stumbles and stabs himself with the pointy edges of the katana, it might be blunt, but the Katana is pointy enough.

*Sphhhlt!* *Drip~*

" *Hiss~*Auuggh!! AGHHHHH!" He screams as his stomach was punctured.

He shouted for help, but nobody would be able to help him because no one would be able to hear…

Now that he earns money, he turned away everything, his friends, and family, and now he lives all alone.

He is living in a soundproofed apartment because the neighbors whines about him being loud.

No sounds escapes from his apartment even while he was screaming and crying in pain.

While in pain, He remembers his parents… How he left his home, without considering their care and love for him.

His vision blurs, not having any hope he calms himself down. His regrets looming, not having someone while dying, it's painful.

Now that he is calm, he was thinking of trying to survive his current situation.

The pphone is out of reach as much as he wanted to move. Moving with a katana lunge in your stomach is not the right thing to do.

Thinking of a way to survive, he remembers his viewers and he shouts for help, even mentioning his address to his viewers to call an ambulance.

As he kept shouting a wave of nausea hit him, causing him to stop shouting.

Waiting, he sat there, waiting for something, waiting for someone to do something, and at least hoping for help.

His vision blurs further, slowly losing his consciousness, he slowly died of regret and sadness.


An eye opened, he still felt his consciousness come back, looking around he still can't see.

There's nothing to even see, only the black void, infinitely crossing out of the expanse, if you close your eyelids you won't even see the difference or maybe he doesn't even have eyes based on his conclusions.

He waited, waited, and waited…

Time passes until memories became more vague.

What was left was his happiest moments of life, watching Anime's and laughing to it, reading manga's and novel's which he loved dearly.

The memories he wants to forget is now forgotten.

A bright light shines the void for a brief moment and dims.

"Hello young man are you okay?"-said the Light

"Yes, where exactly am I?"-said the confuse Alan

"My child, you are in this void. Where time and space doesn't exist, and young man before you go frantic I will give you a chance"- said the Light...

"Chance!?" said Alan who's confused on what's happening, even though he has an idea he is still afraid of the unknown light.

"What chance? and who are you?"-said Alan

"I will give you a chance to reincarnate or transmigrate to any world you want! and for your second question, I'm god with the little g. You will have 3 wishes to bring on your journey in a world you dream of"- Said enthusiastically by god…

{Alan POV}

"Really!? Yes!!." Now, he became silent and planned out his dream.

Knowing what he wants, he doesn't have much to think about, he already anticipated this situation and came up with his fantasy.

"I want to go a world of Swords And Magic! In this world there is only one continent and it circles around the globe horizontally, but extreme weather stops me from skipping to the last country, so I could go only in one path" He stops for a bit to think of his wording and doesn't want to mess this up.

"I want to be born poor in the first country"- Alan said.

"Why? Is it more advantageous to live in a noble family?"- god asked.

"Oh, It's because I want to work my way up. Also, being a noble is too much faking to do, I would have to hide my weirdness. Being poor I can prove nobility wrong, most importantly, I want to have a goal"

"Oh, what is it?"- god asked, curious to what it is.

"You'll find out" Alan said sheepishly.

"Allright! That is granted. Now for your wish"- said god

"My first wish is to have a skill [Skill Creation] so I could create any skills that I want, but because I want to have an Adventure. Please make it so that I could only create Basic skills, but to create an intermediate skill I have to Fuse some basic skill to create it" said Alan, handicapping himself.

"An intermediate skill can create a Rare/Super skill" Alan added.

"Ok young lad" god nodded.

"And for my second wish, I wish to have Great Proficiency or in example I swing once I get twice the result, to Swords, and anything that could cut"- Alan said.

"What a waste of wish, but sure"- god said.

"And for my last wish! I would like to have a Custom System, This system will be called 100 XP System! every upgrade percentage will only have 100 XP needed to upgrade anything in the system skill, weapon, stats, Everything! and this system will have Status, Quest, Inventory, Info log, XP Bank, Skill Creation, and Fuse" Alan said.

"There will be levels, but I need XP to upgrade it, some weapon and skills has ranks and levels to upgrade it, The ranks are G,F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS,S+,SS+,SSS+, and so on and so forth"- Alan added.

"Granted!! Young man, although I'll have to tweak it a bit, is that ok?".- said god

"That's fine by me, It's to overpowered anyway" Alan said and shrugged.

"What do you want to do, Reincarnate or Transmigrate?"- Asked by god

"I want to be Reincarnated"- Answered Alan

"Ok child, have an adventure, and also have a safe trip. You will go now Ba Bye" Said god

god snapped his unseen hand and...

End Of Chapter =)

(A/N- Hello guys!, Thank you for reading the first chapter of my novel 100 Xp system!, I will be fixing the mistakes that happened in every chapters and also change some stuff so that I could give details and at the same time help you read my novel enjoyingly, PEACE!)