We Will Rise Up.

[Timeskip 5 Years]

'Now I'm 5 years old and many thing's happened, like me speaking in like 6 months and walking in only 2 years of age' Rex thought while doing push ups.

'It's so Peaceful and quiet here in our house. The house is OK, we got a kitchen, 2 bedrooms, a back yard, and a front yard' Rex finishing his push ups, continues to squats.

'Our house is made of wood and stone. My house is located far away from the market, It's in a grassy plane with a house in the distance,' Then pull up.

' Oh, Also my System is still doing it's thing, it's on 50%, I don't know why it's slow, but that's ok, I can handle it, I can wait' Sit ups.

' I have not been idle either, I have been training a lot these years, doing push ups, sit ups, Squat's and pull ups.

There's some some changes in the System like my physical, but not much in the mental. Let's see ' Said Rex.


Name: Rex Loren

Age:5 Years Old

Well-Being: Healthy, Thinking

Body Stats=

Health: 0.14

Energy/Mana Capacity- N/A --Locked--

>Body Physics<

Strength:0.1 } 0/100 Xp

Agility: 0.5 } 0/100 Xp

Endurance: 0.6 } 0/100 Xp

>Mental Capabilities<

Intellect: 1.8 } 0/100 Xp

Wisdom: 1.6 } 0/100 Xp

Will Power: 1.9 } 0/100 Xp

HP Points: 14

Energy/Mana Points: 0/0


Processing Other System Options, 50% Please Wait. ]

'All of the changes done was pure exercise, My stats are now half of an average person, except for my Mental. Speaking of Mental, there's some books here in the house but it's like about history, cooking, and some sword styles, I read on those to hopefully increase my Mental,' Rex thought, and is now done with his morning exercise and proceeded to wash himself. The bathroom is kinda just a bucket in a hole and the shower is a Well, where every pour, you will have to draw some more from the well.

'If you are curious on where I am, the planet's name is Nala named to a hero Nala Hextrix, because she's the first to ever travel to the last country. If you are wondering, 'What will happen if you get born in the second country or the last country?' Then your not allowed to be a Journeyman unless you attended the magic ceremony held to the first country that nobody thought to change it's places, but the book says that if you change were the magic ceremony is being held, that place will be inflicted by a terrifying curse by the first Journeyman, no one knows why, but 200 year's ago the magic ceremony was held in the third country. Yeah... That country is dead now, no plants, only undeads, skeleton, zombie, and Wraiths. That's why the third country is named the country of The Damned' He goes back to his house and change his clothes, it was bit more like a rag, with a lottle bit of hole here and there.

'Well the ceremony still continued despite the accident and after that no one decided to change the Magic Ceremony, about the ceremony, you only need a type of special breathing and special stone mentioned in the books, The mages there have everything you need so you will only need to attend, then your done, but I think the book say's that there's some type of chant but I don't know much about it' He grabs a book about history and recalled details from the book.

'To get a grasp of different countries, The planet is made out of 10 countries. The first country is Connor, the second is Junder, the third one is The Country of The Damned, the fourth one is Fannah but the rest is not mentioned, these were the only four that I saw,' Rex thought flipping a page

'The food here is similar, but not as advanced as ours, but they manage' Rex remembered all the years he was eating stale bread, any food will be a gourmet for him for how long he wa eating bread.

'My parents see me doing my exercise as natural, but the one they are weirded about though is me talking to them in a mature way, I can't help it, I'm not good at acting. They only noticed me talking maturely, they never asked since talking isn't required to have age, it's just communicating,' Rex thought as he stops flipping the pages and looking at his parents talking.

'I asked my dad if I could learn to practice sword but he say's when I turn ten he will allow me to practice it' His dad saw his stare and smiled, and he smiles back for taking care of him.


Today, my Dad will buy some bread, because he has only little money to buy lavish food.

While walking to the market, one thing I noticed is that some people is looking at us with disgust, Hmmm... maybe that's why we don't have money shooing my dad away who was looking for some job. This people think they are higher than us, but as much as I wanted to deny, truth hurts so I'll just have to ignore it.

{Rex POV}

"Dad, Where are we going? Asked Rex.

"We're buying bread for dinner" answered Edward.

"Why though?, Mom said we have money" Rex asking like a 5 year old, trying to act, he doesn't have to be mature all the time, knowing about common sense, he's a 5 year old.

"T-thats because- *Sigh* I don't know, just don't ask" answered Edward.

"Ok" said Rex.

His fathere pats his head and stops him.

"We are here, just stay here ok? don't move from here, I will just buy bread" Said Edward.


While Rex was staying from his spot outside, his father went inside what looked liked a bakery.

Rex was contemplating about life, and he hears a voice of contempt.

"Hey, look at that smelly kid, let's beat him up. He's just a plague in this community, He won't have any contribute to this city, he will be just like a parasite that needs to be squashed"- said the Grunt Leader.

"Yeah, look at him ignoring us, let's go"- Said Grunt 1.

The grunts approached him, and he sighs as he tries his best to ignore them.

"Hey! what are you doing here!?, this isn't a place for parasites!, go away!!"- Said the Grunt 2 with a loud voice

Rex sighs as he tries to be assertive.

"I'm not going anywhere you are just being annoying, if you have nothing to do, go back to you mum" Said Rex.

"Oh, your talking back at us!? did you know that our leader is a Noble?, do you want to get punched?"- Said Grunt 1.

"Yeah yeah, Our handsome leader that is the best of the best"- Said Grunt 2.

Then the Grunt 1 kicks Rex angrily

Rex gets flown away not expecting them to be so violent, he hit the dirt dirtying his already dirty clothes, the Grunts kept kicking him when Rex is only defending his head doing nothing.

You could understand this worlds society just by the passerby's, Alas as they did nothing they proved to be nothing, just passerby's who are helped but could not help others. No one helped him just because he has dirty clothes, just because he is different.

Rex feeling every pain, but because of his heightened stats, he could endure the suffering, although the kicks doesn't hurt that much, he felt a different kind of pain.

Rex vowed.

'I will promise to myself, this bullying and mocking, I swear to myself that I will bring our family to the top, become the greatest Journey man of all time and have revenge on these pieces of sh*t.

I will make our life peaceful, doing what they want, no one will stop me from achieving it. We Wil Rise Up....

End Of Chapter=).