The Skill Maker.

Chapter 5- Skill Maker

'Ohh I can create a skill just by doing them, Ok, I can still be strong while waiting for the system. For now I will just sleep, my arms are sore' Rex thought as he closed his eyes embraced by his parent, not minding his 16 year old mind.


Rex and his Father finished their morning routine and this was the time Rex has free time.

He is now sitting in his room looking at his stats.

'First let's create [Meditation] skill, this will be my foundation for regeneration incase I don't have the time to sleep. [Meditation] is useful, this skill allows me to regenerate my mana faster and also my regenerative abilities. It also me make decisions faster and more clearer.

"Create Skill [Meditation]"- Said Rex.

[ Acknowledged.]

[Creating Skill [Meditation]

Proccessing 43%...

Basic Skill Approved(√)

Skill [Meditation] 100%, Created Successfully ]

"Show Skill [Meditation]"- Said Rex.

[ [Meditation]- G Rank 0/100 XP

Calms the nerves and speeds up thinking processing by 60%

Regenerates Mana Faster By 35%

Fastens Natural Healing By 10% ]

"Hmmm nice skill, I'll use this after every training"- Said Rex.

"Next skill, [Running] [Dash] [Slash] [Fast Thinking] [Target] [Map] [Heightened Sense] [Appraise]. That's all of it, System create these skills" Said Rex.

[ •Creating Skills• 20%

[Running] (√)

[Dash] (√)

[Slash] (√)

[Fast Thinking] (√)

[Target] (√)

[Map] (X) >Advanced Skill<

Skills are getting Processed. Please Wait...60%.

Please Check the System interface for more]

[Heightened Sense] (X) >Advanced Skill<

[Appraise] Lowered > to [Identify Object]

[100% done. Approved Skills Created.]

'Ok Some skills are rejected, it's ok, [Map] is overpowered and so is [Heightened Senses]. I'll have to check these out. I remembered Mom saying that there are slimes in the forest, and that I should be careful for' Rex thought as he got up and asks his Dad for permission.

"Dad!!, I'll be going out for a bit!, I'll be right there in the forest near the slimes!" Rex shouted and heard his Dad answer.

"Sure!, Just be careful alright!, they are just a slime, but their acid could melt your skin!, don't be careless!" Edward shouted from the front yard.

"Ok!" Rex hurriedly rushed into the backyard to grab his Wooden Sword for safety purposes.

While Rex is venturing into the forest (The forest is just in the far distance in the back of the house) Rex saw a Blobs that shines under the sunlight doing it's own business.

Rex walk to it and slashes it with his wooden sword It does not get affected but it reforms into a blob again and it keeps going.

Rex see's a core and the he thrusts his wooden sword to it the something happened the blob evaporates into the grass and drops the core, and Light descend to the corpse and It absorbs to his body.

He is surprised and the system interface alerts something.

[ You just killed a Slime, You Got 2XP, Transferred to the XP Bank ]

"System!, show XP Bank"- Said Rex.

[ XP Bank: 2XP]

"ohh I got my first XP's, then let the grind Start!" Said Rex.

While Rex was grinding Xp, He saw his System flash new information.

[ [Target] has maxed out, Fusion for Intermediate Skill available...

[Appraise]< [Target], [Identify Object].

For Fusion, A Skill must be C Rank before Fusion, it will initiate if user has --100 Xp-- ]

'Ohh!, My Target is now C rank, I guess trying to spot slime in the middle of the forest is hard without [Target], that's why it's dangerous' Rex thought as he grinded Identify Object too.

Rex kills slimes until sunset comes, collecting and checking for slime cores left here and there with the help of [Identify Object] and putting it all in his Inventory, then proceeds get head back to his home with a smile on his face.

[XP Bank: 528XP]

"Now, we have enough Xp to upgrade my [Identify Object] and get [Appraise]"

Rex upgrades his [Identify Object] twice, bringing it to C rank. Then selecting Fuse, and picking out [Appraise]

[ Deducting 200Xp...

Ugrading [Identify Object]...


"Next is..."

[Fusing > [Identify Object] and [Target]... 30%...60%...100%

Fuse Done(√)

[Appraise]: 0/100 Xp, F Rank ]

"Now let's upgrade my other skills too, System, upgrade my [Sword mastery] and [Meditation]"- Said Rex.


[Upgrading [Sword Mastery] and [Meditation] Deducting 200XP.

[Sword Mastery]- Rank up to D rank

[Meditation]- Rank up to F rank. ]

'I'll keep grinding my stats until were 10, Dad said the magic ceremony is held when a child is 10 to 15 and when I Have awakened my mana, we are getting out of here. Ohhhh, they just wait, I will beat those bullies to pulp, when I got everything prepared, they won't be able to mutter words. Those guys f*ck*d up, they just messed with a Reincarnated Being, which is me! *Laugh*'

Rex laughs as he left the forest heading home to his parents.

End Of Chapter=)