
So it heals soreness, this could help on my training. I don't know about broken bones but I think there are some Ingredient that make this solution strong. I'll find that out Later on...


In the morning, Rex freshens up to try and have a good impression, and packs the Slimy potion with a wooden box. Then said his goodbyes to his parents and rushes to the market.

The market is past where Martha's House is, even further, there's a road going left to right and the market is on the left side of the road.

Going to the market, Rex wondered "how am I going to sell this potion?" then he remembered what he read on the novels on his past life. Examples are good for gathering the audience and showing how the product work and how effective it is.

When he got there, you could see stalls on the side of the dirt road selling Fruit's, Meat, and Food's. Far in the distance you could see a carriages with myriads of colors, selling some jewelry and expensive stuff.

That's not where he wants to go, he doesn't want to meet some greedy pigs you call nobles.

While he find's the right seller for his potion. He observes and tries to find  kind faced merchants.

After some time, he found one selling some potion.

"Hello Sir, ummm could you help help me with something please?"- Said Rex.

"Yes?, What is it that you want child?"- said The Merchant.

"Umm could I show you something?, It's definitely worth your time."- Said Rex.

The merchant looked at the boy, he looked like a slaves offspring, but the way the boy spoke begs to differ. The kid might be a son of some rich merchant on a disguise to sell some of his wares, trying to prove his parents that he is ready. 

"Hmmm, ok go In the back of of my carriage"- Said the Merchant.

Rex was taken aback, he didn't know it would be this easy, he definitely saw a glimpse of disgust, but with the way he spoke, maybe he misunderstood something, I'll just go along with what he thinks.

They go to the back of the carriage and Rex sees a table and two chairs beside it.

The Merchant closes the front of his shop with the wood then goes to the back and sits gently and says.

"What can I do for you child?"- Said The Merchant.

Then Rex puts the wooden box and opens and says.

"I created a new potion called Slimy Potion. This yellow green potion can heal external injury's and can make your skin smoother"

The merchants saw the product, but kept his poker face.

Rex shows his hands and points to the rough right hand and says.

"This has no Slimy Potion, you could see the calluses and Dried skin"- Said Rex

And he shows his left hand.

"This Has the Slimy Potion, Smoother and no sign of calluses, you could see the differences in the two. If your wondering if I am lying I'll show you" - Said Rex.

The he picks up a bottle of yellow green Slimy Potion, then he uncaps the bottle and pours some Slimy Potion on his hand and then rubs it in his right hand.

He showed it to the Merchant. The Merchant is shocked you could see the hand smoother than before, no calluses and clean, like nothing even happened.

Then Rex shows the blue potion and asked if the merchant if he has any Internal Injury, Then Rex pours some of it in the injury and it's gone.

The Merchant is static he never saw something like this, and he suddenly stops and asked.

"Did you put any Mint Leaf in this?, this types of leaves can enhance any healing potion by a big difference"- Said The Merchant.

"Really!, No, I haven't mixed other materials other than my own mixture. and ohh! please can you help me sell this to make money?"- Said Rex.

"What?, you didn't put anything?, then why is it so fragrant it, Yes! I would love to have business with you"....

End Of Chapter=)