Chapter 14

It has gotten quite dark now, when Xichan, Han Zhi and Long Xin were walking in imperial palace after finishing some of their pending work which they were forced to complete as their punishment.

"Are you sure?" Han Zhi asked Xichan about his given information.

"Mnm." Xichan nodded. "It came from one of my spy. Prime Minister is indded plotting one of his cunning plan to control empress, she did make a fool out of him in court that day." He informed them.

"Then we also can't stay idle. We have to do something against his plans as we can't expect anything from that idiot." Long XIn said.

"Yeah that's true. If we leave anything in her hands than I am sure she'll die from a simple low level trick in no time." Xichan said commenting on Mika's stupidity.

Han Zhi placed his one hand under his chin thinking something. "Then why don't we go to empress's chamber and warn her to not to let any stranger in and not to get close to any suspicious character. She can do that atleast?" though he suggested it but he himself was uncertain.

"Can't say. Who knows what means she would conclude of suspicious." Long Xin had trust over her brain on how uselessly it can think.

"Let's leave that aside and let's go to the pheonix palace, at least we should warn her, maybe it can come in handy she save herself from danger." Xichan still had a little hope left in her.

"Okay if you say so." Long XIn says as they move their bodies on the path to the pheonix palace.


They reached to pheonix palace and entered her chamber directly only to find it empty.

"Huh, Why is this place empty, where did that idiot go." Han Zhi asked to noone in particular.

"Don't tell me we are late, they kidnapped her already." Xichan exclaimed.

"If that's the case then where is her attendant maid servant." Long Xin questioned. "I mean thay have no reason to kidnappe a servant, do they?"

"Then, idiot is strolling out somewhere and we have to look for her." Xichan said feeling slothful over a mear thought of looking all over the place.

"We don't have to, look there, it's her maid." Han Zhi points toward the door though Su Mei was entering the room.

"Greetings your highnesses, your excellency. May I ask you for your reason to be here on dinner time." Su Mei was surprised and confused cause of their presence on a unexpected time.

"That, we came to meet empress but looks like she isn't here. Do you happened to know where she could be?" Han Zhi inquired with a sunny smile plastered on his face.

"Your highness, I do know her majesty's location. Would you like me to show you there." Su Mei politely asked.

"Yeah, do so." Xichan gave her permission. They followed after her to where the empress was.

Su Mei guided them towards the garden where empress was.

"Isn't that the place where we last saw her. Why is she still here." Xichan asked in puzzlement.

"DId she started to throw tantrum and is still here so we come to her and apologize." Long Xin was getting annoyed over Mika's supposed to tantrums.

"If that's the case then she is working hard for an apology. Look she is still standing, right where we left her." Han Zhi pointed to Mika as they could see her from where they were.

They came close to her, waved hand in front of her, tried to call her, pulled hairs, tickled her, threw a snake on her shoulder but empress didn't budge, not even a nanometer.

"Did she ate something weird or what, why is she here like this. Su Mei do you know anything." They inquired from one only person who can answer them.

"Actually I do happened to know the cause of her majesty's state." Su Mei hesitantly answered.

"If you know then speak up." Xichan urged her to speak.

"You are the cause of this." she Immediately spoke.

"How are we respionsible for her weird condition." Three of them expressed their puzzlement togather.

"In afternoon after you all...." Su Mei tried to explain but Xichan cut her off in middle.

"Wait, don't tell me cause we told her about her useless act and also emperor knowing beforehand, throw her in shoked state. And she is her statued cause of that shock, am I right?" Xichan suddenly exclaimed.

"You are correct, your excellency. That is indded the case." Su Mei agreed.

This time it was the trio's turn to get shocked. Su Mei tried to call them out but they didn;t responded. After a good 70 seconed did they responded."

"Ha Ha Ha....She really thought her act was mind blowing...Where does these delusionas come from. Ah, She is so innocent." Han Zhi was laughing, rolling all over he garden.

"Really, this shocked her that much that she is in statue state for about 5 straight hours. Heads off to her. Now I am feeling bad for giving such harsh realization to a poor stupid soul." Xichan commented, laughing hard.

"Such a fool she is." Long Xin was laughing loudly. Both Xichan and Han Zhi stopped in their track, watching Long Xin laughing hard. Noticing their gazes Long Xin stopped himself, pulleing up his serious face back he asked "What are we going to do with her. She didn't even budge even after all our efforts and we can't even leave her here."

"We have to get her in her chamber. Also words of this incident can't reach to the emperor, if he know then we are as good as dead. After this long work I can't put my ass on that chair and do more work." Han Zhi didn't even wanted imagine the consequences of troubling the empreor's wife.

"You are right I can't work more. Those 5 hours of paper work were hell to me." Xichan was too troubled with this.

"Let's carry her to her chamber, put her there, maybe she'll get better until morning." Long Xin forwarded a solution to this mass.

"Ohh someone is sacred." Han Zhi teased his nephew but received a dark glare from him. "Cough, so how are we going to take her there, She is empress so we can't touch her like that." He put the troubling matter on the table.

"Your highness, no need to worry I can carry her majesty back." Su Mei volunteered.

"You can? I mean you are that strong."

"It's not that I am strong. It's her majesty who is light."

"If so then take her to her bad chamber. We will come tomorow to see how is she doing."

Su Mei carried Mika like he is a little hard poster and other three also left the palce but not before chaking for any bystander's presence.


Next morning Mika woke up, looked around, confused not recalling getting back here in his room. Thinking hard but still not finding answer, he throw the thought out and walked out of his bad area starching his hands.

"Good morning."

Mika jumped in horror "Ahhhh." He shouted a ear piercing shout.

"Shut that mouth of yours." Long Xin scolded him.

"What are you doing here first thing in morning." Mika calmed down, one hand over his heart, after knowing the people present were them.

"It's not morning anymore, it's already past noon."

"Forget that but why are you here, don't you have any work to do." Mika glared at three intruders in his peace.

"We do have work but we thought that we should remind you of yesterday's events as you have tendency of forgetting important things." Han Zhi said placing one hand under his chin supporting his weight with table.

"Forgot what? And you guya leave, I want to eat my food." Mika tried to kick them out.

"She was so shocked yesterday as if she is going to die, I was felling bad for our harshness and now she forgot it? Give my regrating feelings back." Xichan shouts at no one particular.

"Your majesty I remamber I need to change Long XIn's nappy. He is such a child, BBBYYYEEE." Han Zhi mimicked in Mika's voice "Does it ring any bells."

"What's that, why would Long XIn wear a nappy and need someone else to change..." Mika stopped in middle, realisation hit him hard.

"Remember something."

"Did I do that infront of emperor." Mika asked to which they nodded their heads.

"It's not real, right." He again asked, hoping it to be a nightmare.

"Yes it is real." Long Xin emotionlessly announced.

"Do something, I don't want to stay in hiding again. Please save me from this situation." He said with slightly crying voice as he got on his knees practically bagging.

"What can we do about this." Han Zhi stood from his seat, "Let's go, emperor gave us so much work, we must finish it." They stood up and walked to the door.

"Don't leave me, please save me from emperor, guys?" Mika again bagged for halp.

"You yourself told us to leave. So we are doing that only." Xichan explained the matter of fact.

"Consider it my nappy joke's revenge." Long XIn said.

They left heartlessly, leaving empress in terror of her doing.

"She really has some talent to think things in a twisted way, when we clearly said that emperor warned us not to trouble her, then how can she get the meaning out of our talk that emperor is angry with her? I am really worried now, does she really doesn't have even a nut size brain?" Han ZHi looks at his companions.

"She is a master piece that god made half sleeping, no, maybe in deep dreams or nightmares. Whatever the situation was, she can't be created in sane or fully awake mind." Long Xin commanted.

"I was really worried about her yesterday and I won't repeat it now, she will forget them soon anyway, Let's do the panding work before emperor himself finds us." Xichan said and they went away.

" Guys help me." Mika called but was left there helpless, weeping over his misery.