Chapter 35

They waited outside of the palace for some time until a guard announced that the emperor allowed their presence in the imperial court. They went through doors, gardens and hallways to arrive at the imperial court in the end. The guards there announced their arrival then they were allowed to enter the courtroom.

"What brings the Gu clan's young master himself in Fei empire's Imperial court." the young emperor said.

"Greetings to the emperor." Gu Ren greeted him since he wasn't leader of his clan yet. Mika and others also greeted him. "Today I am here to introduce my beloved merchant here." Gu Ren signeld at Mika. "She is here to present something invaluable to your majesty."

"If she has your support then she must be someone extraordinary." the young emperor Fei Wan Xi said.

'Extraordinary to the extent that it's hazardous for one's mental health.' Everyone who were accompanying Mika including Gu Ren thought.

"I allow you to preasent the invaluable thing you wants to show me." Fei Wan Xi was looking at Mike 'She is so beautiful, like a goddess.' he thought.

Mika took something out of a bag she had. She presented it to Fei Wan Xi who now had his eyes coming off of it's socket like everyone else's in the court, even Mika's guards. "Yes, what you are thinking is right, it's Chi empire's royal family's heirloom that only the emperor can possess." Mika said.

"Who are you? How did you stole it from Chi empire's emperor." one of the officials came forward, he glared suspiciously at Mika. The officials and generals present got alert as to what if she is someone dangerous and is here to harm their emperor.

'It really is invaluable but what was she thining bringing something like this here? Does she really want to negotiate or not.' Mika's accomplish thought.

"I am empress of Chi empire Yu Ru Xia." Mika still had straight face. Mika's comrades were more shocked then the imperial court's selective population, 'What the hell? Are you kidding? We knew you were idiot but it's extrem of extrem. What exactly was the point for her disguise.' they thought, even Gu Ren now was pitiying Chi empire's future.

"W-What? Why would an empress be here at the war time?" one of the officials asked still eyes wide size of a ping-pong ball.

"I am here to make an acquaintance with you." Mika said still straight face.

"A-An acquaintance? with your empire? So you are unable to handle our half army and are here for friendship?" one of the officials started laughing.

"You should have thought it before attacking us. What did you thought that the emperor is young so you can conquer Fei empire? You thought that we don't possess the power to return the favour but you thought wrong." one cool headed and experienced officail spoke.

"May I know who are you?" Mika asked to the official who spoke just now.

"I am prime minister of this empire Zhou Xing Fu." He introduced himself. "I don't know what your emperor was thinking by sending you here but if he thinks that we'll join hands with your empire after looking at your beauty, then he is wrong. You people destroyed five towns and fields of our boarder area, hundreds of people have lost their home, fields, livings, even their limbs and family members. Because the fields were destroyed, we are in shortage of food, people can't decide wether they should mourn for what they lost or look at the future. And you so easily came here to make acquaintance with us? Apologies to disappoint you but that will never happen." Xing Fu looked at Mika in the eyes.

"I like your attitude, you are good example for a high status official." Mika praised Xing Fu. "Now I get the whole situation of what actually is going on here." Mika talked to himself. His comrades thought 'So that's why she reveled her identity so soon because she wanted to know the reason for their support to Fei Zheqi.'

"Ha Ha Ha Ha ..." Mika started laughing like crazy, clutching his stomach hard. Everyone looked at him with weird expressions on their face. "Ah, sorry about that but I just couldn't stop myself from laughing." Mika looked at XIng Fu. "I was serious when I praised you but I was only mentioning your loyalty for your nation and it's people, not for the throne." Mika once again laughed "H-How could you-ha ha ha... all experienced in politics be so stupid ? Ha Ha Ha.." Mika stopped for breath.

"Ah, my stomach is hurting, ah. But seriously how can some idiots like you people run a nation so big like Fei empire. I mean look at yourselves, half of you are past your death ages, even grim reaper thinks you are too aged to stay in hell and after all the extra time of your validity in this mortal world, you spent in politics and still didn't get what is going on? Seriously now, you there, Fei Wan Xi, retire them and assign some youth or at least those people who in reality has mind on their top floor, not just decoration so that the head could mentain it's lookable structure." Mika pointed at Fei Wan Xi.

'Your majesty, we would have been happy in fighting war, why did you sent her here? Now this war is going to be hundred time worse. Oh god, we wanted to die on our mother land but it seems we don't have such privilege.' Mika's guards thought.

'Oi, oi, is this what your meaning of 'negotiation'? it's clearly giving air to fire.' Gu Ren's men thought, one of them whispered to Gu Ren "Should we be ready for a battle here?" Gu Ren only nodded in response who was still shell shocked.

"How dare you speaking like that to our emperor?" one official barked.

"Even though you are enemy, we thought we should treat you as a royalty should be treated but how you made fun of our court, you don't deserve it anymore. GUARDS." another official came forward.

"It's true how the saying goes 'Ego is higher then mountain.' When an outsider who has only came here since a few minutes is literally laughing here on you guys and you people are lashing out on me instead of looking at your way too much obvious faults." Mika said as Gu Ren and his men stopped Fei empire's guards.

Before any officail could bark on Mika, Xing Fu spoke "I don't appreciated your attitude at all for how you are mocking us but I would like to know what are these 'way too much obvious faults'?" Xing Fu turned to Fei Wan Xi "Your majesty, I request to you for granting her permission to explain herself."

"Are you suggesting me to hear this lady who is disrespecting me and my empire from the moment she has opened her mouth." Fei Wan Xi looked angrily at Xing Fu.

Before Xing Fu could reply Mika spoke "Just look at your ego, 'me and my empire.' With this you have proved that you value yourself more then your nation. If you think I would talk nicely to you out of pity cause in such a young age you lost your parents and you have to sit on the throne while you don't have much knowledge of how the world moves then step down of that throne." Mika looked at Fei Wan Xi. "A damn brat like you don't deserve to sit on that noble place."

"How dare you call me brat." Fei Wan Xi stood up from his throne, fuming in rage.

"One more incapability for being an emperor 'Can't hear anything bad about themselves.' With so many incapabilities, who on the earth made you emperor?" Mika again mocked him.

"That's enough." Fei Wan Xi shouted at Mika, before he could call out for guards Mika spoke.

"What? if you can't even here something offending about yourself then how are you going to become a great ruler? You'll only succeed in becoming a tyrant." Mika scolded like a mother. Everyone at the court including Fei Wan Xi looked shocked at her. "And you people" Mika addressed all the officials present "What are you exactly teaching him? He is just a young child who has so much responsibilities on his sholders, that's why it's your job to teach him how to handle them, how to become a true ruler, how to see tthe nation's people by an emperor's eyes. Instead of teaching him that, you introduced him with ego? Emperor or not, the poor kid doesn't have his parents to show him such things, so it's your duty to be there for him as his parents would. Praising him for good deeds and scolding for the bad ones but all you idiot do is show him a path for dictator. And after a few years, you will be the one's who would assassin him for this empier doesn't need a dictator, without even trying to think from where all of this began, because no child is born evil, not even murderous." Mika glared at every single one of the officials and generals and his glare stayed a little longer on Xing Fu.