Chapter 38

Xing Fu was having a killing headache because of a certain lady. He was wondering what did she do to have such personality. He feeling guilty for noble status to be attached with her. He wondered how can Chi empire's royal family and palace's worker cooperates with her cause in just two days whole royal palace, except for the emperor, are on verge of losing their senity. Xing Fu was walking through corridors while having these thoughts, when suddenly he stops over what he just saw.

Xing Fu look straight forward where Mika was putting a flower crown on Fei Wan Xi's head, who was dressed in Mika's clothes. Xing Fu heard Mika saying "Ah! you are looking so adorable in this costume, now what should we dress you up with?"

Before Xing Fu could move towards them to stop the nonsense, Gu Ren, who was standing by Mika the whole time, came forward with western clothes. "I visited British empire not so long ago. I really liked their clothes, so I brought one for my elder half sister but if you like you can dress him up in this."

"Wow, that's great, thanks Gu Ren." Mika smilled at Gu Ren then turned to Fei Wan Xi. "Let's change you into this, I am sure you would look great."

Before Fei Wan Xi could move to change, Xing Fu stepped in their group "What are you people doing?" he looked at Fei Wan Xi "Your majesty, why are you sitting in the garden in these clothes, what's going on here?"

"Doesn't he look cute?" Mika said to Xing Fu then turned to Fei Wan Xi "Fei Fei, show him what I taught you yestardy" Fei Wan Xi nodded then looked at Xing Fu, He walked forward towards Xing Fu in seductive way then stopped 1 meter away from him, lifted his hand and moved his hand as a cat's paw's gentle strike and voiced "nyan." behind him Mika shouted "Kay, so cute."

Xing Fu's jaw fell and touched the ground 'W-what the hall?'

After taking in Xing Fu's reaction Mika shouted again "Fei Fei, he is totally fallen head over heals for you, just look at how big his mouth is gaping."

Mika's comrades thought 'Idiot lady, he is shocked to death, how come his expression which look as if he saw something unliving, is looking as in deep love to you?'

Xing Fu collected his jaw "I just would like to go in a little hibernation, please wake me up when its time for her departure." he said to an eunuch who was accompanying him.

'You wanted to make enemy of us, yeah? then take our special attack 'crazy empress' , now you would think thousand times before making us enemy.' Mika's guards boosted in their minds.

"Xing Fu, you don't like mother?" Fei Wan Xi asked him with puppy dog eyes since Xing Fu was one of the few people close to him.

"N-no, that wasn't what I meant." Xing Fu was in trouble now "My apology, your majesty." Xing Fu bowed to Fei Wan Xi "Now would you please come to the court, a messenger from border area just arrived."

"Let us go then." Fei Wan Xi started walking but Xing Fu stopped him.

"Your clothes, your majesty." Xing Fu pointed out the problem.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about them." Fei Wan Xi went to court after changing into his own attire. All the officials, generals and the mesanger greeted him, he accepted their greetings then addressed the messenger "What is the news?"

"Your majesty, we found Yu Wen Shin in a house in a village near our army base. All the generals except for Fei Zheqi are moving to the capital wih their armies. While on their way back, we didn't got Fei Zheqi's attention, we departed in darkness of night so he only found us missing next morning." the messenger reported.

"Now when Yu Wen Shin has been found and captured at the place where he shouldn't be, then your majesty, I suggest we go along with her majesty of Chi empire." Xing Fu put his suggetion in front of the emperor.

Fei Wan Xi declared that they will follow Mika' s plan. After his declaration the court was dismissed.

"You were really lucky that Yu Wen Shin has been found." Gu Ren was walking along side by Mika.

"Hey, what do you mean I was lucky? I already told you it was all my theory, there is no way I could be wrong." Mika stopped to glare at Gu Ren. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to offend you and my apology for doubting your plan." Gu Ren bowed to Mika. In responce Mika smiled and let his comment go, then both of them once again started walking while chit-chatting.


Two weeks after the massenger arrived the imperial court of Fei empire once again was set for a political battle. Ocupaint of the court were Fei Wan Xi, officials, generals, Mika, his comrades, Yu Wen Shin, Fei Zheqi. Both Yu Wen Shin and Fei Zheqi were in chains, surrounded by guards.

Xing Fu inauguretionced the court "Your majesty, Yu Wen Shin is Chi empire's citizen, that's why he is here only as a witness. On his left side is Fei Zheqi, this court is investigating the custody." he interducted. "A few weeks ago Chi empire's empress came here for negotiation, she told us the incident happened in Chi empire, her theory on it and a plan. We gambled on it and succeeded." Xing Fu stopped for breath.

He once again started "When Yu Wen Shin was found around army base, we investigated Fei Zheqi's mention, there we found some properties documents that belonged to him but the empire didn't hold any record of them, documents regarding personal alliance with different nation's nobles, records of all the corruption he had done till the date, his hand in illegal business, smuggling of goods, he also has records of personal army without known to the empire. And his hand in our south-west borders, Chi empire's empress Yu Ruxia's poisoning attempt, two major attacks on Chi empire, use of fake currency in both empires, constriction of tunnel connecting both empire, helping an criminal jail break and hiding him under his wings. And most importantly, committed a trson of trying to take empire's sun down by planing assassination on our emperor, also he has hand in our prevoius emperor's mischievous death." Xing Fu inhaled a deep breath.

"Your majesty, they are falshly accusing .." Fei Zheqi was trying to fake innocence.

"Keep your mouth shut, previous general Fei. It is not your turn to speak yet." Fei Wan Xi athoritically said, cutting him off. He faced Xing Fu and said "Prime minster Zhou, you can continue."

"Your majesty, there is also our spies that we has planted on Fei Zheqi after finding Yu Wen Shin. I would like to ask you for your permission to call one of them to be our witness as we have already placed all the proves we have found." Xing Fu had his both hand joined in front and had bowed in front of the emperor.

"You have my permission, prime minister Zhou." Fei Wan Xi said and the trial continued.

The spi entered tje court, bowed in front of the emperor Fei and spoke "Your majesty, I was assigned by prime minister Zhou to keep eye on Fei Zheqi after Yu Wen Shin was found under Fei Zheqi's shelter. In the morining when Fei Zheqi woke up and couldn't see any other general or their army, he rushed to the place where Yu Wen Shin was hiding. When he saw Yu Wen Shin missing and his guards dead, he rushed towards the tunnel, assuming Yu Wen Shin ran away through there. Upon his arrival he saw Yu Wen Shin's men doing there usual work, he asked them if they know about Yu Wen Shin's whereabouts. They denied and asked what is the case. He explained the situation, upon hearing that, all men helped him but couldn't find him. He was confused over Yu Wen Shin's and army's disappearance but couldn't understand the cause. Before he could think possibility of the actual condition, your majesty's letter arrived. He read that the army that was there few days ago was assinged somewhere else, since he didn't need for post change so they didn't send him any letter. But right now capital needs general Fei since Gu clan's heir, Gu Ren attacked them for attacking his beloved's empire. When Fei Zheqi saw royal stamp on the letter, he got continued over the matter written in there and headed straight to capital while ordered Yu Wen Shin's men to find him." the spy reported.

"Your majesty, all these actions of Fei Zheqi proves that he is a snake in grass. We all officials and generals present here request you to give him appropriate punishment." prime minister Zhou bowed along with all the officials.

"For betraying the nation and comittting trason, I give him death penalty." the emperor announced his disicion.

'But who is the master mind Fei Zheqi or Yu Wen Shin.' Mika thought and looked at Yu Wen Shin who had same expression when he was death sentenced . 'I have a bad feeling." he thought.