Chapter 56

"Guys look, she is about to say 'yes'." they looked at the couple in front to witness the most awaiting moment.

'Sorry dude, but this time it can't go the way you wants it to.' James looked at Mika with pity but awarted his gaze before anyone could notice him.

Linda bent down to Ren's level. "How sweet, she can't see him on his knees for long." Mr. Clooney said like a little girl who just entered her teens. 

Instead of holding his shoulders to help him up, Linda put both of her hands on his coller, pulling him up, shaking him hard, enough to damage ones brain. Shouting "What the hell have you done to your face." she punched him straight on his nose, making him fall on the floor.

What followed was not anyone had expected, she set on his stomach, punching, slapping, pinching, pullling his hairs and scratching him all over his face. She even torned his clothes from few places.She stood up from him and kicked him on his guts with her 10 inch high heels.