chapter 64

The three arrived at the spot of the boundary where they escped from to find Mr.Clooney waiting for them. "Mr. Clooney, you were here waiting for us whole night?" Mika said in surprise. Both William and Jack saw their wrist watch showing 5 of the morning. 

"Well, I didn't know when you guys would be back so I waited." Mr. Clooney said smiling sheepishly. 

"Thank you Mr. Clooney." the three said at the same time.

Room no. 41 never experienced this since these people occupied it, where it was almost empty for all night and once again gets occupied with an addition at 5 in the morning.

"James we did it." Mika exclaimed the moment he entered the room.

"Yeah I know, I've already checked them, you did a good job, unexpectedly though." James said. 

"Now what? Wait for camaras to catch something?" asked Jack.