Chapter 74

The group hesitantly wide eyed looked away from TV to Mika with verious feelings such as surprise, disbelief, shock, and greatest of them all was terror.

Yes, terror. They were terrified of the injured man's tounge. And why won't they be, he just said about time and the accident happend rigth in front of his eyes.

If the reporters had been showing something like 'Mr. Edward Evans catching any disease and wedding being postponed.' or something like 'Mr. Edward Evans met with accident earlier and now are showing his checkup and about wedding being cancelled.' Then they could have taken it as a coincidence between timing of his speech and that incident's report.

But it was not like that, they witnesed the accident in live broadcast just after he finished speaking. Not only that, Edward's check up and his wedding getting postponed, all came immediatly after his accident. It was like as if they were informing Mika that work is done and now you can rest at ease.