Chapter 113

Just as Mika was about to look away, some thing happened that made him unable to do so, the man, standing on his knee, proposed his mother.

   The scene mirrorring in Mika's eyes where his mother was standing in rose garden, surprised, truly surprised, while the man was on his knee, asking for her hand by forwarding his right hand towards her. The scene stopped in that moment, the woman kept looking surprised at the man on his knee and Mika looking through window, noone moved, blinked maybe weren't even breathing in actuallu they were but it was so soft that looked like they weren't, everyone still on their position, only wind made some movements that proved that the time hasn't stopped, just certain three humans did.

The wind was cold and dry of any winter but the wind around certain three human was high in tempreture for different reasons and some cause, deep blush in shy.