Chapter 122

Mika was looking at Usami without blinking, not even for once. In between that when his eyes turned shiny, he had no idea. His eyes held admiration for him.

                    He was impressed by Usami, on how he managed to escape from police, staying unknown and doing something that is impossbile for anyone to even thinking about. Though his personality is quite twisted but he liked it, he was totally like he wants his faviorate person in book to be like. 

Even though he was the reason he had to go through the pain and more then that for the past seven years but he still couldn't help himself admiring him.

     Usami is the first person Mika admired and praised and he has to say Usami quite deserves that. He know that normally people won't understnad him but he does, maybe that's the reason why Usami said that he is quite alike him.