Chapter 141

"So class, your mid term resultes are out, come here your names are called." the home room teacher Takaoka Junta said as the class attentively heard him.

"Why do they have to announce results. We don't want to know them." Kitagawa said. He never liked this result thing, whenever they come out, his parents always cut short his pocket money in half. Now once again he have to live in pooverty for a whole month.

"True said. I think we should hid it and never let them know that we even had exams." suggested Shingo.

"Have you forgot? Thay have spy placed on us. There is no way they won't know about it" said Akira.

"You guys always have to face uncle and aunty's wreath over the reesults then why don't you study a bit?" Ryouta said as she stood up from her seat as her name was called.

"I don't like that option, something else. I need a better suggestion" Mika said as if in a resturant and going through the manu.