Chapter 143

"Going to one floor above just for washroom is really tiring." Mika mumered on his way back from the washroom of third floor as the one on their floor, which is second floor, was getting repaired.

He went pass the hallway of the third floor, now heading towards the stairs to get back to his class. He was on his way when he heard some noises coming from the rooftop as the stairs up was right beside the one leading down.

The noises were getting wilder by each passing second. At first he thought not to get himself bothered by others and not meddle in between other's work but now hearing these noises he was sure that it's nothing normal.

He walked up to the stairs, after reaching the door, he found it locked. Meaning the acticity up there is not something that can be called legal. He pulled out an pin from his clothes which he carry with himself in case of emergance.