Chapter 151

"What a beautiful morning. I just hope that this day also be a beautiful one just like this morning." Takaoka Junta said, looking at the morning sun. It was a sight to see, kind of the most beautiful one that he had ever seen.  

"But I know, it is just my wishfull thinking. Those troublemaker bastards won'ty let this day be a peaceful one." His jaws were clenched in anger and annoyance.

"God why did they ahve to come toi this high school only. There are plenty of others in the whole country that why only this one." this is somethign tthat he always asks the god about. He just stand any of them naymore but duo to his worst luck, they are his students only.

"Takao chan, you are getting late for work." a woman shouted at the top of her lungs.