Chocolate Cookies

I was dancing on the streets. The exact same streets I passed since I was five were completely different. The sun was bright, the buildings were shinning, the park was buzzing with people doing their morning exercise, and they were smiling and laughing. I went past the café waving at people, wishing them a good day. I waved to the people on the balconies taking their morning coffee. They gave me smirks. They gave me nasty looks. Men were glaring in my face, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was her eyes, her lips, her touch, and many more I just couldn't take in.

Her hazel eyes were dreamy. She was in my hands staring at the sky. I was on top of her with her fragrance rubbing on my skin nonstop. Until she woke up. Then stood. Then she fell all over me, fragrance colliding with skin for the second time.

I was passing the streets, block after block, calculating the time it would take me running to get to her house. We were far from each other, with our worlds, our nature, and our lifestyle, but I could feel she's close. She had always been. And hopefully always will be.

I prayed for Aphrodite while glancing at her phone number on my hand,'' Aphrodite I promise, if you gave me the love of this girl, I would pick the finest rose at the florist and keep in a vase on my window to praise your mercy and kindness to your child.''

I entered the block of my neighborhood. Kids passed by and waved goodbye. I waved back happy to see them. Grandma Evie was knitting in her rocking chair on the porch smiling to the world. I could tell that she was humming a sweet tune from the movement of her lips. Her white hair was neatly made scattered on her pink apron. I could see her wrinkles all the way across the sidewalk.

I tried to move quietly avoiding her kind gestures. I was on top of the world; I had no time to stop by. I wanted to go home, tell my mom, get some rest, and text the number printed on my wrist. As usual my attempts of running away from her sight were a total fail. She saw me and widened her smile. She beckoned me to come. I replied with sign language that I should go home.

''I made cookies, fresh from the oven,'' she yelled from the other side on the block. I smiled and started towards her house. She rose from her rocking chair and went into her house.

Her grass was cut short and neat. An old Volkswagens was parked in her opened garage door. I was stepping on the grey tiles avoiding the black lines. Pots with flowers of pink and purple were showering the front porch. I stepped on three white treads. To my right, two plain white chairs with a mini tea table where in their usual place for more than seventeen years. Grandma Evie's brown wooden rocking chair was on the far side of the front porch next to the pink flower pot. I sat on the chair next to the balcony bars waiting her arrival.

She emerged from the front door saying, ''My, my. Someone's home early.'' The smell of chocolate cookies filled the front yard.

''Practice was cancelled,'' I replied smiling, with full focus on the cookies.

''Well good for you! I'll go fetch some hot tea to celebrate.''

''No… no please grandma the cookies are enough. I think I already celebrated in some way.'' I smiled at my shoes remembering every moment I spent with her.

''Oh will you look at you! All cheerful and jolly. It's been a while since I saw you like this. Now have some cookies, honey.'' She offered me the plate of cookies. I took one piece and nibbled on the crust.

I rolled my eyes with delight. Mouth half full, looked at her and said, ''Grandma, you make the best cookies in all of New York.''

''Oh,'' she said with a little sweet laugh. Her cheeks flushed a rosy color of red. ''Thank you son.''

I nodded while looking at the home of Mrs. Erica to our right. She was on her front porch reading a book on her swinging chair.

Grandma noticed her, so she stood up and waved at her saying,'' Good morning Erica. Drop by for a cup of tea, I would love to have you.''

Mrs. Erica replied back with a smile. A kind of grimace more than a smile. Grandma sat down on the chair with complete silence. I stood up and swallowed my fifth cookie. ''I want to talk to her too,'' I said in a hushed tone. I blasted my voice in full volume towards Mrs. Erica's peaceful realm and said,'' You look wonderful today Mrs. Erica.'' She continued to read in her book like I didn't exist.

Grandma was wheezing with laughter. ''I like her, ''she said between giggles.

''Who? Erica?'' I replied with a concerned look.

''No, silly! The girl.'' I smiled at the plate of cookies. Grandma was the only one in this world who could get me. She was next to me since the day I was born. Even though she is actually not my grandma, but if I got to choose one it would definitely be her.

I stood up quickly and thanked Grandma for the cookies. She gave me a few to hand to my mom. I said I'll hopefully drop by tomorrow after practice for some tea. She kissed me goodbye and waved from the porch as I was going down the street to finally arrive at home.

I walked past Mrs. Erica's grey plain house. She was fully submerged in her book she couldn't even take a glimpse of the outer world.

Then, I rushed down the block crossing several neighbors sending them soft smiles and greetings. I stood at our yard, took a breath, and jogged towards our white porch. I moved across the tiles, ran up the treads, and knocked on the door.

A soft voice answered,'' Who is it?'' I saw a brown eye peer from the peephole. I gave her a wide smile. '' Baby boy!'' She opened the door and greeted me with a full embrace. She smelled my neck and shirt. ''You smell funny,'' she said. ''Alex. ''She hit me with a stern look. ''Where were you?'' Her tone was hard and concerned. My mother can shape shift in seconds without any need of a god's blessing.

''Mom. First, have some of grandma Evie's cookies. They're delicious.'' I smiled to myself and shoved her inside saying, ''I was at the training field. You will never guess what happened today.'' We took off our shoes and stepped on the grey carpet. We took a left to enter our kitchen, and then sat at a round table at the center of the kitchen. Lavenders were placed on the window sending a soft scent.

A cup of coffee was freshly placed. I took a sip and made a new one for mom. I took another sip and began the storytelling. I told her the news of today leaving some parts out. I was struggling to appear uninterested, but I was certain that my eyes were sparkling with excitement.

Mother looked concerned. Although I've told her a lot about the girls I met, even got a few to meet her. She stared at our wooden kitchen table while I was talking nonstop.

I got to the part where I told Eleanor my identity. Mother screamed,'' You told her?! Alex! No. This is unacceptable. How could you! You know very well the consequences of that.''

''Mom, trust me. She won't tell anyone. She's mature enough,'' I replied, then decided to end my story at the part where I dropped her home on her front door.

''And the girl?'' Mom said. ''What happened to her?''

''She's back safely at her home,'' I replied. Her eyes were wide. Her leg was jumping off the floor. '' Are you okay mom?''

''Yeah honey I'm okay. But…'' There is always a ''but'' when it comes to relationships. '' But this is the first time something like that happened. It is forbidden for anyone to enter and anyone to know. You know that very well. How could she even pass through?''

''Mom. I already explained my theory. I think that's why. I assure you she's totally human. I even healed her when she fell. That's proof.'' I don't understand why she looks so concerned, I thought.

''Alex. I still can't believe you told her!'' She frantically moved around the table then quickly sat. ''I know you promised, but you should tell Ares about this. I'm sure he'll have an explanation. Tell him about the girl and he'll see what he can do about it.''

''No mom. Never. I gave her my world.'' I quickly reddened and corrected,'' I mean word. I won't tell Ares a thing.'' She sighed in my face.

''Her name is Eleanor?'' I nodded. ''That's a pretty name.'' I smiled at her with flashes of Eleanor's features overwhelming me again. ''Will you meet her again?''

I hesitated, but I knew that I could never lie to Ava Kane. ''I asked her to give me her number. And… and she did.'' She slapped her forehead. What's up with you today mom? My thoughts were trying to connect the meaning behind her actions. ''Mom. Relax okay? I know what I'm doing. She seems like a decent girl. You would love her.''

Mom jumped of the chair,'' Alex. Are already planning on introducing her to me.'' I laughed and shook my head. Mom knows me too well. Who am I kidding? ''Alex, honey please. Remember rose?'' She asked.

I grimaced. Thanks mom for ruining my day. ''Mom, rose was just a passing cloud. She left and now the sky is clear.'' I moved my hand in an arc demonstrating the clear sky.

''First, a cloud doesn't rain starvation and depression. Second of all, I see a cloud bigger than Rose coming towards your sky.''

I sighed with a smile and said,'' Mom, Eleanor is not a cloud. She's a rainbow. Relax. The girl wasn't interested. She just wanted to go home. She didn't care who I was or why I was with her.'' Maybe the first part is what I like about her most, I secretly thought.