The Real Plan

"What kind of Tom, Dick or Harry dares to come to the Huo Corporation and behave atrociously?!" As soon as Huo Yi appeared, the employees immediately quieted down. It was as if they had found their backbone.

"Oh, it's President Huo. Excuse me for not going out to meet you." Huo Yi ignored Xia Sheng and walked straight towards Huo Ye.

Seeing that the staff was being held hostage by Xia Sheng, he smiled and helped him out. "President Huo, the company is in turmoil, it's normal for the staff to be unstable. Please don't make things difficult for them."

Huo Ye took the initiative and put on the airs of a leader. "They speak without thinking. Is the intention to commit murder the attitude of these employees?"

Huo Yi laughed dryly as anger gathered in his eyes. "You put on such airs the moment you come back. You can show your power to your family, but you need the Old Master's approval first." Now that Huo Ye had lost his power, and the little bit of value he had left was almost used up. Now, he still had the delusion of pointing fingers at the company, he would have to see whether people would agree.

Xia Sheng frowned. She threw the employee aside and looked into Huo Yi's eyes. "The Huo Corporation is no longer under Old Master Huo's control. Don't talk about the Huo Family."

Seeing Xia Sheng's plain outfit, Huo Yi's eyes flashed with ridicule and he said maliciously, "Young Master Huo, are you here to work or to play house?"

Xia Sheng was furious. She glanced at the badge on Huo Yi's chest and paused before saying, "Vice President Huo, you're fired."

"You don't have the right to fire me!" Huo Yi was furious. If it wasn't for the person between them, he would have rushed towards Xia Sheng. "Security, chase this crazy woman out. Don't let outsiders enter the company!"

Xia Sheng sneered and said sarcastically, "Now that I'm the company's biggest shareholder, why don't I have the right to fire you?!"

"That's impossible!" Huo Yi was furious and shocked. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. "You must be spouting nonsense. Stop using a made-up directive to order people around!"

"Stubborn fool." Xia Sheng rebuked angrily, then threw out the 'share transfer agreement'. "Open your dog eyes wide and see clearly who's bullying others?"

Huo Yi looked at the letter of responsibility in disbelief until he saw Xia Sheng's signature. He felt like he had been struck by lightning and all the energy in his body was drained away. He looked dispirited and dispirited as he muttered to himself, "How is this possible?"

Xia Sheng did not explain further. She glanced coldly at the employees with different expressions and said in a low voice, "If anyone has any opinions, feel free to look for me. But I'll be blunt first. I won't show mercy to those who take the opportunity to cause trouble."

The employees were all scared out of their wits and dispersed like birds and beasts.

Although Huo Yi had been dismissed, she still needed someone to replace him. Xia Sheng already had someone in mind.

She found Tang Tian, who had helped her in her past life, and arranged for him to take over the position of the company's vice-president, leaving Huo Yi, who had been dismissed, screaming in frustration. After making these arrangements, she went straight to the conference hall to hold a press conference.

At the venue, facing countless cameras, Xia Sheng was not afraid at all. "From today onwards, Huo Ye will be the CEO of the Huo Corporation, and I will be the executive director. Everything in the company will be handed over to Huo Ye."

Firstly, she was giving her authority to Huo Ye, and secondly, she wanted to help Huo Ye get back at the Huo family. She wanted to make sure that the Huo family would never dare to order Huo Ye around again.

The other shareholders thought that Xia Sheng would be in charge personally, but they did not expect her to hand it over to Huo Ye in the blink of an eye. They all had some opinions.

"I disagree. Huo Ye doesn't have the ability to control the entire company!"

"Such a decision is too hasty, I request to reconsider!"

Faced with the shareholders' doubts, Xia Sheng smiled lightly. "I'm assured to hand the entire company to Huo Ye because I believe that he will be a qualified CEO. If you have any opinions, you're questioning me."

The moment this was said, all the shareholders' expressions changed. With Xia Sheng's status and power, even if they were not convinced, they did not dare to raise any objections.

Huo Ye was stunned by such a huge gift. He came back to his senses and solemnly promised, "I promise that I will take good care of the company and will not disappoint you."

"I believe you." Xia Sheng smiled and nodded. It wasn't in vain for her to acquire the Huo Corporation and suppress these restless people. After Huo Ye took over the Huo Corporation, there would definitely be a huge reshuffle. Xia Sheng even considered this.

After the meeting, she let Tang Tian stay back and the three of them had a small meeting.

Tang Tian took over the position and became the company's new Vice-President with Xia Sheng's help. Naturally, he was grateful to Xia Sheng.

Xia Sheng carefully observed Tang Tian and said in a low voice, "Tang Tian, from today onwards, you will do your best to assist Huo Ye in managing the company. I believe that you have the ability. Don't disappoint me." She promoted this person entirely out of consideration for Huo Ye. The other party's ability was not bad and would be a great help to Huo Ye in the future.

However, Tang Tian was a little confused. He asked in confusion, "President Xia, are you not going to care about the company anymore?"

"I'm not interested in the Huo Corporation. I became a shareholder because I wanted to get it back for President Huo. The company was originally President Huo's, and now it's just returning it to its rightful owner." Xia Sheng explained calmly, directly stating her true thoughts.

When Huo Ye heard this, he was slightly stunned. When he came back to his senses, he lowered his head and smiled. However, a warm feeling surged in his heart and occupied his entire heart.

After dealing with Tang Tian, Xia Sheng sent Huo Ye back to the office. As soon as she returned to the office, she heaved a long sigh of relief. She turned around and carefully examined the office's decor and felt that something was missing. After a round of inspection, Xia Sheng wanted to improve the office environment, but before that, she had to consult Huo Ye first.

"I want someone to add a few pots of flowers and plants. Do you have anything to add?"

Just as she was thinking about what flowers to buy, Huo Ye suddenly stood up and quietly walked towards Xia Sheng.

When Xia Sheng came back to her senses, Huo Ye was already standing behind her. He reached out and hugged her.

Xia Sheng panicked and subconsciously wanted to turn around to face Huo Ye, but her waist was wrapped by the other party's hand and she could not move. "What are you doing?"

Fortunately, the two of them were very close to the sofa. Before she could react, she felt her body sink as Huo Ye pinned her onto the sofa.

She lay on her back and looked at the man above her. She felt a little helpless, but then she became worried. "Your leg is not convenient. Let go of me quickly, don't force yourself!"

Huo Ye gave a low laugh. "Whether it's convenient or not, you'll have to feel it first."

Xia Sheng's face turned red. She struggled to push the man away, but her wrist was grabbed by the other party's large hand, all her weaknesses were exposed in front of the man.

The atmosphere became more and more ambiguous. The two of them hugged each other in a sticky and fuzzy manner, everything was self-evident.