Filing a Lawsuit

As soon as Su Lingan had sent Su Yu home, he immediately dispatched his men to investigate Li Biao's whereabouts.

"I'm sorry, okay? Can you stop being mad now?" Su Yu tried to play cute. It was her seventh time apologizing, but her brother remained unmoved. He sat motionlessly on the couch, staring at her. She panicked—no matter what she said, he wouldn't budge.

"Why are you ignoring your cutest little sister?" she pouted, acting mad.

Su Lingan slapped her head, raising his voice, "So now you're my cutest little sister? Have you ever thought about how I, your brother, feel about all that? How dare you lie to me! Who—was it Fu Yunian? I knew he was a pr*ck. I'll show him hell!"

When Su Lingan got to his feet and was ready to bolt through the door, Su Yu grabbed his arm, sat down hard on the floor, and whined.