You’re Bragging to the Teacher

After Han Xiang walked away, the teachers in the office gathered together. 

"Hey, why did Han Xiang suddenly...?" 

"Did the Han family change the way they treated her? This child has changed so much." 

"Yeah, she's been very serious in class recently. She even answers my questions now." 

"She even handed in her homework several times in a row for the first time." 

It was no wonder that the teachers were shocked. Every time Han Xiang had an attitude, the teachers would contact her mother, Yang Su. However, Yang Su only had one way of dealing with the issue. She would brush it aside by saying, "As long as my daughter is happy, it's fine. It doesn't affect others. Please don't restrict my child's nature.". Ultimately no action would be taken. 

In the class, the news that Han Xiang had promised the teacher that she would do well in the monthly exam had already spread. The class was in a heated discussion, and Wang Meng's voice was the loudest. "I don't believe that this horrible student can do well in the exam!" 

As soon as Han Xiang appeared, the entire class fell silent, afraid that Han Xiang would grab onto Wang Meng and beat her up. 

However, Han Xiang was expressionless. As she pulled the little fatty past Wang Meng's seat, she glanced at the exercise book on Wang Meng's desk. 

"Wang Meng, this question isn't solved this way. This is not the answer. You can do it like this instead." 

Then, Wang Meng blushed and sat in her seat, scratching her head as she watched Han Xiang solve it for her.

When she returned to her seat, Lu Huai was already panicking. "What should I do? You bragged to the teacher that you would make us both do well in the monthly exam!" 

Han Xiang almost laughed out of anger. She took the little fatty's workbook and realized that although Lu Huai's results were slightly better than the original Han Xiang's, he was still hovering near the failing mark. 

After teaching Lu Huai for an entire afternoon, the little fatty was a completely new student. After listening to so many teachers and not having any luck, he was able to understand Han Xiang's explanation. He also expressed that he wanted to go see Han Xiang for tutoring over the weekend. 

Lu Huai was filled with enthusiasm for his studies because he told Han Xiang that his father had promised to buy him the limited-edition Ultraman figurine that he yearned for as long as he got at least 80 points in each subject. 

After bidding farewell to the little fatty, Lu Huai, Han Xiang got into the car and waited for Han Yang to come over. 

The moment Han Yang opened the door, he saw a smiling Han Xiang greeting him sweetly. "Hi, how do you feel this afternoon?" 

"I'm fine." Han Yang answered very briefly, but in his heart, he was thinking that Yan Fei had kept him busy for half a day and delayed him from going back to study. He would not help her next time. 

On the way in the car, he chatted with Han Yang about interesting things in school. The atmosphere was so happy that Uncle Liu, the driver in front, revealed a smile. 

When they entered the main door of the Han family's villa, they saw Yang Su waiting at the door. 

Han Xiang had a good impression of the adoptive mother in the book who had always doted on her daughter. In fact, Han Xiang's current happy life was entirely due to Yang Su's protection. However, the original protagonist, Han Xiang, did not know how to cherish it until her fate was changed and she was taken to the mountains, only then did she realize her adoptive mother's love for her. 

Yang Su first ruffled Han Yang's hair, then caught Han Xiang who had rushed over to hug her. 

The little girl in her arms kept acting coquettishly. "Mom, I missed you so much!" 

"Aww, I missed you too. My baby is so beautiful today. How are you doing at school?" 

Ever since Han Xiang's had grown up, Yang Su had not seen her daughter acting coquettishly. She was surprised and happy, and her tone was even gentler. She was afraid that her daughter would return to her original self. 

The mother and daughter went all the way to the kitchen. Han Xiang heard that her second brother, Han Qi, would come back early today to have dinner together. She said that she would make a cake for everyone to try. 

When Han Qi returned home with his schoolbag, all he heard was his mother and sister's childish dialogue in the kitchen. 

"Baby, you knew how to do this? It's amazing!" 

"Hehe, I've always wanted to show you my skills, mom." 

"Shall we add something next to this little bear?" 

"I'll add another little bear, this is me, this is..." 

Upon hearing Han Qi's return, Han Xiang poked her head out of the kitchen and greeted, "You're back! I've prepared a surprise for you!" 

Han Qi, who was overwhelmed by the favor, patted Han Yang, who was watching TV. He was a little flustered by the scene and asked, "What did Han Xiang do this time? Why is she suddenly so enthusiastic?" 

Han Yang gradually got used to Han Xiang's change and replied, "She's been like this recently. At school, she's started performing better. I even heard that she was praised by the teacher." 

"Huh? Could it be that she bribed the teacher to put on an act for everyone to see?" 

Han Yang shook his head and did not say anything else. 

When the dishes were served and the three of them sat down, Han Xiang and the maid worked together to take out a big cake from the kitchen. On the cake, there was a picture of a bear family, two big ones and four small ones. They looked very innocent. 

Just as she was about to cut the cake with a knife and share it with everyone, Yang Su suddenly choked up. 

Han Qi and Han Yang were still in a daze. Han Xiang immediately hugged Yang Su and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Don't cry, don't cry." 

Yang Su shed tears, but she laughed instead. "This is my baby's first time making a cake for her family. I'm so touched." 

Sigh, just what kind of horrible child was the original protagonist to cause a beautiful mother to be like this?