Grandpa Han

What he didn't say was, 'Didn't you go out to eat, drink, and have fun every day? When did you even learn how to play basketball?' 

Han Xiang smiled slightly and tied her ponytail tightly before turning around to leave. "Let's play basketball together again next time. I'm going to take a shower now, bye." 

When Han Xiang came downstairs after taking a shower and draped her half-dried hair over her shoulders, she discovered that Han Zheng, who had always been busy, had actually returned home. He was sitting on the sofa, and her two brothers were actually sitting obediently at his side. 

Han Qi had just finished playing basketball. His entire body was covered in sweat, and he did not even dare breathe heavily. 

"Dad," Han Xiang called out to him gently. She had become familiar with her family during this period of time, but her adoptive father seemed to have been busy with a project that was listed on the market overseas recently. He was rarely seen at home. 

"Xiang Xiang, come here." Han Zheng smiled at her, and his expression became much friendlier. 

When Han Xiang sat beside him, Han Zheng rubbed his forehead and said, "The medical report from country M has come out. Grandfather has been in a very stable state recently." 

So it was about Han Xiang's grandfather. Han Xiang remembered that in the book, Han Xiang's grandfather died of illness a few years after she was abducted. However, he still left a small portion of his inheritance to Han Xiang. 

However, when Han Zheng and his wife met with an accident later on, the inheritance was hidden by the Han family's collateral family, so no one knew about Han Zheng's grandfather's painstaking efforts. 

"But... Grandpa Han's physical condition is not suitable for continued surgery, so he can only be treated conservatively. According to the doctors, he only has the next few years left to live." 

After listening to Han Zheng's words, everyone fell silent. 

The Han family's wealth was all built by Grandpa Han. Back when they were young, Grandpa Han and his brother worked together to start a business and made their first profit on the internet. After that, they each developed their own businesses. Grandpa Han decided to dig deeper into the internet industry, finally, the Han family became a giant that monopolized the local internet industry. 

After Han Zheng took over, he expanded the Han group to cover a wider area and involve more industries. In recent years, the Han group became a monolith that shook the stable position of other industries. 

Grandpa Han worked hard in his early years, but when the Han family rose to prominence, he was diagnosed with cancer. He suffered a lot in his later years. It was really sad. 

"Grandpa Han will return to China next Thursday with Han Yuan. The few of you should accompany grandfather as well." Han Zheng finally finished speaking, and his eyes were already red. 

After telling the children about Grandpa Han, Han Zheng had to continue working. He wanted to make more time to spend with his family before Grandpa Han returned. 

When Han Zheng got up and was about to leave, he glanced at Han Xiang who had her head lowered and patted her head. "You've been doing well recently." 

The girl raised her head and happened to meet Han Zheng's eyes. The head of the Han family looked exhausted, but his gaze was still firm and gentle as he looked at her. 

Hence, Han Xiang nodded. "Don't worry, Dad." 

When the monthly exam came on Monday, Han Xiang was very calm. She finished writing, checked her papers, handed them in, and then went out to wait for Lu Huai. 

When Lu Huai came out of the exam, she was very excited. "Xiang Xiang, do you think the exam was difficult?" 

Han Xiang thought for a moment and answered truthfully, "I don't think it was difficult." 

Wang Meng, who had also finished the exam, immediately rolled her eyes. "It's not difficult. So come out with a good result instead. It saves us from dragging our class's average score down every time the term ends." 

Han Xiang was quite interested in this prideful and awkward little girl in front of her. When she heard this, she smiled and said to her, "Okay, I won't let you down." 

Hearing Han Xiang's good-natured answer, Wang Meng, who had always liked to bicker with Han Xiang, choked. She snorted and turned her head angrily. 

This school teacher was very efficient. The exams held on Monday and Tuesday would have its results released on Wednesday. Everyone's results were transparent, and Han Xiang's name was always at the bottom. 

If Han Xiang's score in one subject changed from 0 to another number, everyone would know that the devil was in a good mood. It meant, at the very least, she was willing to fill in the multiple-choice questions. 

After the exam on Tuesday afternoon, Lu Huai kept chattering in Han Xiang's ear, saying that he would bring the limited-edition Ultraman figurine that he had obtained over the weekend for Han Xiang to see. Han Xiang let him make a fuss and listened to him with a smile. 

At this moment, the phone in Han Xiang's pocket vibrated. She opened it and saw that it was a message from a person that said, "Why haven't you come recently?" 

When Lu Huai came over to take a look, his tone was very surprised. "Ying must have missed us, hahaha." 

This person, Ying...? Who was that? Han Xiang had some vague recollection of him. Was he that motorcycle racing gang's leader? 

"It wasn't easy for me to finish my exams today. Xiang Xiang, please take me to have some fun. Please, please..." 

Why did this little brat like such dangerous sports so much? Han Xiang thought to herself that she had to help the little fatty back to the right path and stop thinking about racing for excitement. 

"Sure, I'll take your car today." 

When she said goodbye to Han Yang, he stopped Han Xiang. "Where are you going?"