Grandpa Han Had a Bad Temper

It was not until Han Yuan helped Grandpa Han to the main seat that everyone dared speak. 

The younger generation of the Han family greeted Grandpa Han one by one. Han Xiang was the youngest, therefore, her turn was the last. When it was her turn, she walked up and saw Grandpa Han staring at her. She calmly looked at him and bowed, "Hello, grandfather." 

"Is this Xiang Xiang?" Grandpa Han turned to look at Yang Su. 

Yang Su had always respected her powerful father-in-law. She quickly replied, "Yes, Xiang Xiang is 12 years old this year. She was the first in her grade in the previous monthly exam. She is very impressive." 

However, she did not say that other than this time, Han Xiang was the last in her grade. 

"She is a child with a backbone. Come here," Grandpa Han called out. He was very satisfied with her neither servile nor overbearing attitude. 

When she saw Grandpa Han take out a card, Han Xiang was stunned and did not dare to accept it. 

Oh dear! He was throwing money at her from the very start! It made her feel flustered. 

Since Han Xiang did not accept it, Grandpa Han kept holding it up, his temper was very stubborn. 

"It's your grandfather's goodwill. Take it, it's fine," Han Zheng said. 

So Han Xiang respectfully took it with both hands and she heard Grandpa Han say, "Although you are not of the Han family's bloodline, the Han family raised you since you were young. Everyone recognizes you as a part of the Han family and a member of the Han family. You are no different from Little Yuan and Little Qi. When you are out, you must remember this matter. Don't embarrass the Han family." 

Although his words were not pleasant to hear, Han Xiang could hear the protective tone in his words. She replied seriously, "I'll remember it, Grandpa." 

The entire family was very reserved during the meal. Grandpa Han could not tell how they were feeling, and Han Yuan looked cold. No one dared say anything. 

Grandpa Han was halfway through his meal when he suddenly gestured for the maid to pour him some wine. When Han Zheng saw this, he stopped the maid, Lin, who was hesitating whether to pour the wine or not. He tried to persuade her, "Dad, the Doctor said that you can't drink alcohol in your current condition." 

Knowing Grandpa Han's alcoholism, Yang Su worriedly echoed, "That's right, alcohol is harmful for you..." 

Before Yang Su could finish her sentence, Grandpa Han slammed his chopsticks. "I'm not dying! Why are you meddling with the way I live my life?" 

Han Zheng was extremely worried. When he saw Han Yuan, who was sitting quietly beside him, wink at him, he decided to shut up. 

However, Grandpa Han was not in the mood to finish eating, nor did he end up drinking the wine . He snorted coldly and turned around to go to his bedroom. 

Everyone sighed when they saw Grandpa Han slam the door with a bang. 

"Being sick does affect your temper. Everyone, please take care of grandfather." Han Zheng tidied his clothes and sat down to continue eating as if nothing had happened. 

Han Qi wanted to lighten the atmosphere. He said with a cheeky smile, "Why did Grandpa only give Han Xiang a card? The three of us didn't even receive a single card." 

"Xiang Xiang is a girl. It's only right that Grandpa pampers her. Why are you jealous?" Han Zheng patted Han Qi's head lightly, and everyone laughed. 

Han Xiang looked at Han Yuan curiously and asked, "Big Brother, what do you do abroad?" 

Han Yuan was stunned for a moment when he was suddenly called out by the little girl. Then, he picked out some things that he could tell everyone. Even the most dangerous missions could made humorous and interesting if Han Yuan twisted the story a little. Everyone listened with great interest. 

Han Xiang did not expect that the big brother of the Han family, who had a scar between his eyebrows and looked rather fierce, was actually the most stable of the three brothers. He was also very friendly to her. 

After the family finished eating, Han Xiang slowly listened to Han Yuan's story before going upstairs to take an afternoon nap. When she passed by the teahouse, she was stopped by Yang Su. "Sweetie, come here." 

"Huh? What's wrong?" Han Xiang was a little puzzled. There was a pot of tea in front of Yang Su, which was steaming hot. 

"Take it to Grandpa. He likes it." 

"Why..." Han Xiang didn't understand. It was Yang Su who made the tea, so why did she have to take it to Grandpa Han? She was nervous when she thought of the scene earlier when Grandpa Han lost his temper. 

"Grandpa likes you a lot. Girls are more considerate than the little bastards at home. Go now." 

Seeing Yang Su winking at her mysteriously, Han Xiang obediently did as she was told. 

By now, Grandpa Han was no longer as angry as he was before. He was sitting on the balcony sunbathing when he heard someone come up behind him. Without turning his head, he instructed, "Come and play a game of chess with me." 

When the person behind him approached, the soft voice replied with an "Okay". Only then did the old man realize that the person who entered was the young lady, Han Xiang. 

Han Xiang carefully placed the tea tray on the table and brought a cup of tea to Grandpa Han. She then sat on the opposite side of the chessboard obediently, waiting for the old man to speak. 

Looking at Han Xiang's series of moves, Grandpa Han became curious and asked, "You know how to play chess?" 

Of course, the original protagonist Han Xiang, did not know how to play chess, but the Han Xiang from the other world had learned it before. After work, she would occasionally play a few rounds with the men at the entrance of the community building. There were wins and losses and slowly, she had learned how to play chess well. 

However, she was still modest. "I'm not very good at it." 

Grandpa Han nodded and thought that Han Xiang could make the first move. As he sipped his tea, he played chess with Han Xiang.