You Would be Snatched Away by Her

"The above is my experience in learning mathematics. If there are any shortcomings, please give me your guidance. Thank you, everyone." After Han Xiang said that, she even bowed slightly to the students who were applauding below the stage. 

The mathematics teacher looked at Han Xiang with a very gratified gaze. As a teacher, saving a problem student was more fulfilling than teaching an outstanding student. 

"Next week, the school will hold a small Olympiad competition. Each class will have five seats for the competition, and the seats will be allocated according to the top five students in the class. Because Han Xiang is the only one with full marks, she will be designated as the team leader, Okay?" 


The students below the stage responded in unison. After being Han Xiang had proven that she hadn't copied her answers, the students listened to her without any objections. 

Thus, the list of participants was decided. Han Xiang would lead the team, and the top four students in the class in mathematics would be the team members. One of them would be Wang Meng, who was ranked fourth in the class in mathematics. 

Wang Meng's attitude toward Han Xiang had been very strange recently. Her eyes were sparkling, and there was something strange mixed in them. It always made people feel that she was thinking about something in her heart. 

Therefore, Han Xiang realized that after class, Wang Meng had been wandering around Han Xiang for a while before finally walking toward her. 

"Hello... Can I ask how to solve this question?" Wang Meng asked nervously. 

Han Xiang saw that it was an Olympiad math question and immediately understood. She was in a good mood and cast a mischievous glance at Wang Meng. 

Noticing Han Xiang's meaningful gaze, Wang Meng, who was already having trouble breathing, became even more embarrassed. She admitted that she had been secretly observing Han Xiang recently. She was too curious about how Han Xiang had improved her grades so quickly. 

When Han Xiang went to have lunch with Han Yang, she peeked at the book on Han Xiang's desk. She realized that it was not a supplementary book, but an Olympiad math question paper set. Looking at Han Xiang's neat marks and answers in the book, she was even more confused. 

"Come, sit next to me." Han Xiang gave up half of her seat and motioned for Wang Meng to sit over. 

So the two girls squeezed together with their heads touching each other. 

Han Xiang's breath landed on Wang Meng's face. It was warm, and her heart was beating faster. 

"There are two ways to solve this problem. One is to solve it with a conventional formula, and the other requires you to change your way of thinking. Look..." 

After the topic was finished, Wang Meng jumped up from Han Xiang's seat and thanked her sincerely, "I... I understand! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" 

"Mmm, if you have any questions that you don't know, you can come and ask me. I'm happy to help you." Han Xiang smiled at her. 

Wang Meng was really getting cuter the more she looked at her. She had a straightforward personality and was not the type to scheme. Her likes and dislikes were written all over her face. She was making a lot of noise. It was quite cute. 

Wang Meng used to dislike Han Xiang for being disruptive, but since Han Xiang was no longer like that, she liked her now. 

"Study more. Don't disturb Xiang Xiang if you have nothing to do." 

The little fatty who had watched the whole process felt very unhappy. He had a feeling that with Wang Meng's thick skin, Xiang Xiang would be snatched away by her. 

He had to defend his position as Xiang Xiang's sidekick! 

"Lu Huai, what are you talking about? Xiang Xiang has already agreed. It's none of your business." Wang Meng immediately started bickering with the little fatty. Suddenly, she realized that she had also followed Lu Huai and called Xiang Xiang by this intimate name. Then, she ran away shyly. 

Seeing that Wang Meng had left again, Lu Huai snorted unhappily. Just as he was about to continue brainwashing Han Xiang with the idea that Wang Meng was a bad person, he turned his head. Han Xiang patted his head. 

The little fatty was immediately overjoyed. Such treatment was only available to him. Even if Wang Meng wanted it, she would not be able to get it! 

What the two brats did not know was that in Han Xiang's eyes, the two of them were just two cute little children. The Han Xiang from the other world was already old enough to be their mother. The occasional warmth that she revealed was actually more like "motherly love.". 

During this period of time, Han Xiang was busy after school. Because she had to participate in the math teacher's "special training" with four other students, Han Xiang learned quickly and had a solid foundation. Throughout the whole process, Wang Meng idolized her. 

However, after training together for a few days, Wang Meng found that Han Xiang had a good temper, so she quickly and boldly became familiar with her. 

By the time Han Xiang had the time to look for Chang Ying, it was already the day before the school's Math Olympiad exam. 

Today, the little fatty was called by his family to attend some family gathering, so Han Xiang was the only one who went to the garage. 

However, Han Xiang did not want her family to know that she had been in contact with the Chunguang Welfare Institute, so she persuaded the driver to leave and took a taxi to go alone. 

When Han Xiang arrived at the entrance of the garage, she found Chang Ying tinkering with a scrapped racing car. 

"You still wanted to come back?" Chang Ying muttered without looking back.