Splashed with Wine

Han Xiang's face darkened when she saw the red wine stain on the beautiful white dress that Han Qi had bought for her. 

'What kind of stupid system is this? You sent me a mission to build a good relationship with this idiot?' Han Xiang was already beginning to doubt everything. 

Faced with Han Xiang's unbelievable and angry accusation, the system could only reply slyly, [The higher the difficulty of the mission, the more points will be rewarded.] 

"...Okay." Han Xiang was almost angry laughing, in order to pay back her loan to avoid being killed, she had to yield to the system's whims. 

As a result, the people around Han Xiang shifted around and the crowd seemed a bit nervous. 

However, Wang Meng, who could think of all the kinds of things that Han Xiang could do, was afraid that Han Xiang would suddenly beat Zhao Han up. That would definitely not end well. 

Therefore, before Han Xiang could fly into a rage, Wang Meng grabbed Han Xiang's wrist and advised, "Forget it, forget it. Don't get angry here..." 

Wang Meng thought to herself, 'Please don't get angry here. There are too many witnesses. Something bad will happen.'. 

Zhao Han looked at the bright red liquid spreading on Han Xiang's dress and immediately realized what she had done. Seeing that more and more people were gathering around, she started to panic. 

Of course, Han Xiang wouldn't hit her. Even if she wanted to, she wouldn't do it on such an occasion. She also didn't want to be misunderstood even though she was clearly the victim. Hence, she changed her mind and secretly began to sniffle and shed tears. 

When Han Zheng rushed over when he heard the news, he realized that not only did Han Xiang not fight, she even started to cry. 

Han Xiang looked very pretty when she cried. Her tears fell one by one. Her nose and eyes were red like a fragile porcelain doll. It was really sad to see her. 

Even Lin Mo, who had always been the peacemaker, began to comfort her. "Xiang Xiang, don't cry. We won't play with her in the future." 

"That's right, that's right. How can there be such a cruel person?" The girls around also began to agree. Zhao Han's dirty tricks were really not worth looking at. 

She became the target of public criticism. Zhao Han hurriedly explained, "It's not... I was careless..." 

"Nonsense! I saw you spill it on purpose! Did you accidentally spill it because you suddenly got Parkinson's Disease and lost control of your limbs?" The messenger of justice, Wang Meng, made her move again. 

"Xiang Xiang, what's wrong?" Han Zheng could not understand the situation. Normally, it was Han Xiang who bullied others. Why was he here to clean up the mess? Why was Han Xiang crying today? 

"This is the dress Han Qi bought for me. It's my favorite..." Han Xiang ignored Zhao Han and began to cry. 

At this point, she played her role as a 12-year-old girl to her advantage, and succeeded in winning the sympathy of all. 

"I don't know what happened. It happened so inexplicably fast..." Han Xiang continued to not name the Zhao Han as the perpetrator. 

"What am I going to do with my dress like this?" 

Waiting for Zhao Han's father to come up, and seeing Zhao Han at a loss, Han Xiang shed more sad tears and people began to whisper amongst themselves. 

He had just struck a deal with Han Zheng, and this silly daughter of his was already causing trouble for him! 

Now that the Han Corporation was at its peak, all the other wealthy families wanted to take advantage of it. Who would dare to provoke the Han family? 

Furthermore, it was said that Grandpa Han was not going to make it. When Han Zheng completely took over the Han family, even all the Zhao families put together would not be enough to crush them. 

Hence, when Zhao Han's father saw this, he said, "Han Han, apologize to Miss Han. It was a mistake. There's no other meaning to it." 

Wang Meng was not convinced and started complaining. Seeing that Zhao Han did not speak, Zhao Han's father urged, "Hurry up, Han Han." 

Seeing that his father was speaking up for outsiders, Zhao Han felt even more wronged. She straightened her neck and said, "Why should I... It's not like I did it on purpose..." 

As a result, Han Xiang raised her head. "Dad, I'm not blaming her. I'm just a little sad..." 

Seeing Han Zheng's distressed face, Zhao Han's father became even more anxious. He pushed Zhao Han, "You have to apologize for doing something wrong! What did I teach you?" 

"I'm sorry." After saying this, Zhao Han's pride was finally crushed, and tears began to fall from her eyes. 

But would Han Xiang let her go? Han Xiang held back her tears and looked at the crowd with her watery eyes. She said softly, "It's okay. I don't blame you. I just couldn't help but cry." 

Seeing that Zhao Han's father looked embarrassed, she tried to persuade him, "Uncle Zhao, don't blame Han Han. She was just careless." 

Han Xiang's understanding immediately formed a sharp contrast with the stubborn Zhao Han. Everyone began to whisper again. 

Zhao Han's father felt even more embarrassed. He said in a low voice, "You're still embarrassing yourself! Go back!" 

Han Xiang once again added fuel to the fire. She gently patted Zhao Han's shoulder and said, "Uncle, don't yell at her. Han Han will feel sad." 

"When did I yell at her? I was clearly whispering!" Zhao Han's father could not defend himself. 

However, Zhao Han was still a little girl who was only in her second year of junior high school. When she saw that Han Xiang was gentler than her father, she felt even more wronged and embarrassed. She said to her father, "I hate you!" 

Then she turned around and ran out.