It was an Investment

On the weekend, after spending three hours with the two chattering, shopping-addicted girls, she finally couldn't take it anymore. She found an excuse to say goodbye to Wang Meng and Lin Mo. However, before she had time to take the taxi home, she instructed the driver to drive to the racing club. 

After completing the side mission of "Discovering the identity of Chang Ying," a new side mission called "Changing the fate of Chang Ying" was issued. 

According to Han Xiang's judgment, as long as Chang Ying received training in racing earlier, she might be able to complete this mission. Therefore she could resolve the regret Chang Ying had in the book of being forced to withdraw from the race because he was too old and his condition had deteriorated. 

And according to her probing during this period of time, the system's judgment of whether the mission was completed depended on whether or not a certain key node was triggered by Han Xiang. For example, when Zhao Han praised Han Xiang, the system judged that the mission to "Build a good relationship with Zhao Han" had succeeded. Even if Han Xiang's attitude toward Zhao Han changed drastically later on, it would not affect the outcome of the mission. 

So today, she had made an appointment with the manager of the racing club, that Chang Ying worked part-time at Changzhi, to express that she was willing to invest in sponsoring Chang Ying. The manager then invited Han Xiang to the club for a meeting to discuss the details. 

When they arrived at the club and Han Xiang explained her purpose of coming, the young girl at the front desk looked at Han Xiang's petite figure and was stunned. "Are You Miss Han, who made the appointment yesterday?" 

"Yes," Han Xiang calmly admitted. 

The girl at the front desk confirmed Han Xiang's identity again. Although the girl tried her best to remain calm, her round eyes could still see that she was very surprised. "Our manager will be here soon. Please follow me first." 

It was really troublesome to work with the body of a 12-year-old girl. Han Xiang sighed lightly. 

The girl followed the front desk into the reception room which had transparent glass walls, but she did not know that at this moment, on the second floor of the club lobby, someone was staring at her figure with great interest. He watched her sit down on the sofa and drink tea. He also watched how she she shook hands with the manager like a little adult and discussed things. 

Gu Yuan did not expect that he would unexpectedly meet the adopted daughter of the Han family, Han Xiang, who had left a deep impression on him. It seemed that Han Xiang definitely had other plans for coming here. 

Looking at Han Xiang from afar, he always felt that Han Xiang looked like his younger brother, Gu Ze, but he could not tell which of her facial features was more familiar. As he thought about it, a strange idea suddenly came to his mind. 

Out of nowhere, he called his secretary over and gave her a few instructions. 

"You mean, we only need to train Chang Ying to enter the professional arena?" 

"Yes, he has talent, so I'm willing to invest in him." 

After a few words of communication with Han Xiang, the manager became serious. Although this little girl in front of him had a very strange request, she was very clear about the contract documents, financing, and investment. She was definitely not an ordinary person. 

However, investing 20 million just to let them train a part-time worker who didn't even have an e-class racing license was crazy! Could it be that she was joking with him? 

At this moment, the manager's mind was already filled with the possible drama of a poor part-time worker being favored and supported by a rich lady. 

Seeing the manager's puzzled and suspicious look, Han Xiang had no choice but to mention the name of the Han family. "My father is the chairman of the Han group. My name is Han Xiang. You don't have to doubt me." 

"Oh- so it's the fourth child, Miss Han. I'm sorry." Of course, the manager knew about the famous Han group. After he realized what had happened, he took Han Xiang's behavior as simply the entertainment of a princess from a wealthy family. 

There was no reason not to accept such easy money. The manager readily agreed and went out to get the contract. 

Unexpectedly, the moment the manager went out, he was stopped by a person. When he looked closely, he saw that this person was the big boss of the club, Gu Yuan. He immediately stood up in fright. "President Gu... I didn't know you would come." 

Gu Yuan was actually here to join in the fun. Seeing that Han Xiang had come alone, what exactly was she trying to do? He waved his hand carelessly. "It's nothing. What is Miss Han doing inside?" 

The manager was a little conflicted, but he still answered, "She wants to invest in the club. The condition is that we train a young man to be a racing driver for her." 

"Oh? What made you think of that?" 

"Miss Han said... It's an investment." 

Gu Yuan did not quite understand Han Xiang's behavior, but when he thought of the little girl's mischievous and intelligent behavior, he quickly felt relieved. "Then you take good care of her." 

After saying that, Gu Yuan left, leaving only his secretary behind who still had a mission to complete.