Uninvited Guests

Han Yuan sighed and replied, "There's nothing we can do about it. A drug trafficking network wouldn't dare do such a big thing without the deliberate relaxation of the higher-ups. If we want to investigate this matter, we will inevitably come across someone's sore spot. This time, these four informants were sacrificed to conceal the truth. It's too dangerous to continue investigating, so we can only put it on hold for now." 

Seeing that Han Yuan had no other choice, Han Xiang nodded obediently and agreed. 

On Sunday morning, Yang Su, who had always been busy with her research, actually had the time to go home. Although she looked haggard, her eyes were full of energy, as if she had encountered something exciting. 

When the family was having lunch, Yang Su announced, "I have two good things to tell everyone." 

"Mom, don't keep me in suspense. I'm dying of anticipation!" Han Qi urged first. 

"The first thing is that grandpa is getting better and better. The cancer cells that have spread in recent years have disappeared. To be precise, they were killed by a mutated white blood cell. It's a medical miracle." 

Although Han Xiang knew that it was the system's ability that allowed Grandpa Han to recover, she really didn't know how his body worked. 

"Haha, it seems that God did not want to accept me into heaven and told me to live a few more years." When Grandpa Han heard this, he laughed happily. 

When the pain disappeared, he did not even need to use crutches anymore and could slowly start to do some exercise. This feeling of renewed vitality made Grandpa Han's state of mind better and better, and he gradually experienced the happiness of being a grandfather. 

"The second thing is also related to grandpa. When we were analyzing the cause of this miracle, we accidentally discovered the white blood cells that had mutated and differentiated in the human body for the first time. Although we have not yet understood the cause of it, if we can overcome this difficulty, his cancer will no longer be so terrible." 

This morning, Yang Su's team published the discovery report on these "miracle white blood cells" in a famous scientific journal. Presumably, the medical and scientific community was currently immersed in a great shock. It would take a while for them to react. 

When Yang Su talked about medical research, she was serious and full of love. She was no longer like a rich lady, but a serious doctor. 

Han Xiang also did not expect that Yang Su would actually find traces of changes in the system saving Grandpa Han's life. Moreover, she even obtained preliminary research results, which shocked her greatly. 

However, Han Qi, who had never been interested in academics, did not understand why Yang Su was so excited. He interrupted, "Mom, I'm going to the trainee team tomorrow. They said that I'll be staying for a month before it ends." 

Yang Su had always had a free-range attitude towards her son. When she heard that Han Qi was going to pursue his dream in the entertainment industry, she did not even bat her eyelids. "You've grown up. You can make your own decisions." 

Seeing that his family did not have any reaction, Han Qi felt a little sad for a moment. Seeing this, Han Xiang comforted him. "Han Qi, do your best. I'll call my classmates to vote for you." 

Hearing this, Han Qi's eyes lit up again. Then, he pretended to be humble and said, "Hehe, actually, there's no need to canvass votes for me. After all, my strength is right here..." 

Once these words were said, even Han Yang, who had always been quiet, could not stand it anymore. "Shush, don't be happy too early." 

Han Yang thought that his second brother was a young master from a wealthy family. Instead of inheriting the family business, he was thinking about how he could enter the entertainment industry with his own strength. He was really a little blind and arrogant. 

Just as the family was happily eating lunch, a group of uninvited guests came to the Han family's main entrance. 

When the butler came to pass the message, he said that the ones leading the group outside the main entrance were Grandpa Han's younger brother, the second master Han, and Han Shun's family. They were here to "visit" Grandpa Han. 

Han Zheng had been very busy these past few days. It was precisely because of the serious illness of Grandpa Han that the Han family's side branch demanded that Grandpa Han give an explanation to the Han family's side branch. How exactly would the family's assets be divided? 

What a joke. Grandpa Han's health was very good. Of course, there was no need to divide the family's assets. Moreover, it was not Han Shun's family's turn to divide them. Because of Grandpa Han's intentions, Han Zheng could only decline. "Father's health is not good. It's not convenient for him to see you." 

Who knew that Han Shun's family would misunderstand and say, "Grandpa Han doesn't have much time left. Han Zheng forbade them to see Grandpa Han so that they can monopolize the family's assets." 

After the Han family was easily beaten back by Han Zheng for causing trouble, Han Shun's family was desperate. They thought of a very bad idea, which was to bring the media to uncover the "ugly face of the Han corporation's chairman.". 

This idea was put forth by Han Shun's second son, Han Hui. His plan was very good. Since Han Zheng was hiding Grandpa Han from them, he was either too sick to get out of bed, or he had already died. 

When the scandal of the Han Corporation's chairman hiding information about his father from his uncle's family and trying to seize the family property would be exposed, not only would the Han corporation's usual positive image be destroyed, but the Han corporation's stock would also plummet, and even Han Zheng himself... would be blamed and replaced. At that time, Han Shun's family would have a chance to take power.