Her Biological Parents

It was the woman with red-rimmed eyes who spoke first. "She really looks exactly like little Ze." 

Then, she stared at Han Xiang with a very loving gaze full of heartache. As she stared, tears welled up in her eyes again. 

Yang Su was unhappy. She retorted, "How does Xiang Xiang look like him? If you ask me, she doesn't look like him at all..." 

Han Xiang was still confused, but Gu Ze held her hand and brought her to an empty seat next to where the Gu family was sitting. 

Han Yang reacted quickly and quickly held Han Xiang's other hand, staring at Gu Ze unhappily. 

"What are you doing?" Han Xiang was even more confused. 

Seeing the two guys fighting with their eyes, Han Xiang hurriedly tried to stop them. "I'll sit over there... Gu Ze, right? Let go of my hand, okay?" 

Then, Gu Ze obediently let go of Han Xiang's wrist and looked at Han Xiang pitifully. 

When they saw that Han Xiang wanted to sit with the Han family members, the Han family members were slightly relieved, thinking that they did not dote on Han Xiang for nothing. 

However, when Gu Yuan coughed lightly and was about to speak, the Han family members' hearts were beating hard again. 

"Wait a minute. I think it's better not to tell Xiang Xiang about something that hasn't been decided yet," Han Yuan interrupted Gu Yuan who was about to speak. 

"Our family has completely confirmed it. It's just that you don't want to believe it." 

Gu Yuan laughed and then looked at Han Xiang. "Why don't you ask my sister if she's willing to be kept in the dark?" 

Han Xiang's hair stood on end when she heard the word "sister". It couldn't be, could there really be such a dramatic twist? 

Ignoring the Han family's hard-to-hide resistance, Gu Yuan began to explain the whole story. 

It turned out that after Gu Yuan first saw Han Xiang at the banquet, he had felt that she looked very similar to his brother, Gu Ze. 

He remembered that the Gu family had accidentally lost their little daughter, who was Gu Ze's twin sister, due to the negligence of the medical staff 12 years ago. After many years of fruitless searching, Gu Yuan took a sample of Han Xiang's hair and found out that she was related to the Gu family by blood. 

After comparing it with Han Xiang's information, the Gu family confirmed that this was their beloved daughter, the little princess of the Gu family, whom they had lost for 12 years. 

Seeing that the main mission "Searching for blood relatives" in her mind had been completed and that she had been rewarded with 2000 points, Han Xiang began to doubt her life. 

Wasn't this a little too melodramatic?! Han Xiang kept repeating this sentence in her mind. 

Even the system replied: [This is Han Xiang's hidden plot twist.] 

When everyone saw that Han Xiang was stunned by this matter, no one was willing to accept the fact that they were arguing. 

"If your Han family didn't take Xiang Xiang away, we wouldn't have been unable to find her for so many years!" 

"And yet, you were not responsible enough to find the child earlier?" 

"That was an accident! Now we have to take Xiang Xiang back to make it up to her!" 

"Xiang Xiang belongs to the Han family! Don't even think about it!" 

Han Xiang's biological mother, the woman who had been crying for a long time, Ms. He Qiao, could not help but walk up to Han Xiang. She hugged the dazed Han Xiang while crying. "I'm sorry...my daughter. It's my fault. I've made you suffer." She sobbed loudly. 

Han Xiang did not push away when she was suddenly hugged by a warm body. She indeed felt a sense of familiarity and love from this woman. 

Yang Su was unhappy. She pulled He Qiao away from Han Xiang and protected her. She emphasized, "Han Xiang is my daughter." 

Beside her, Han Xiang's biological father, Gu Nan, who was wearing a pocket vest, said, "You have contributed to taking care of our daughter, but we are Xiang Xiang's biological parents." 

Han Zheng immediately retorted, "Legally, we are Xiang Xiang's parents. Whether Xiang Xiang recognizes you or not is another matter." 

Seeing that the two families were about to quarrel again, Grandpa Han shook his crutches and said loudly, "No matter whose daughter Xiang Xiang is, we still have to listen to Xiang Xiang in this matter. Don't quarrel." 

The white-haired old man opposite also added, "Right! Listen to my granddaughter, Xiang Xiang. Don't quarrel." 

Everyone was silent. 

The Gu family's request was very simple. Since Han Xiang was the precious little princess that the Gu family had lost for many years, the Gu family had to take her home to make up for their debt and then fulfill the responsibility of raising her as their daughter. 

The Han family disagreed in every way. Firstly, Han Xiang might not necessarily be the Gu family's biological daughter. After all, they had not seen the test results from their own staff. The fact that Han Xiang was the Gu family's lost daughter was entirely dependent on the Gu family's words, what if it was fake? 

Secondly, when the Han family adopted Han Xiang, they had already completed all the procedures that it entailed. Legally, Han Xiang was the Han family's daughter. Now, even if her biological parents came into the picture, whether Han Xiang would admit it or not was another matter. In any case, they could not let the Gu family take Han Xiang away.