Against Frederic

Around three minutes later, the duel between the two women was still raging on.

It appeared as if Irina's opponent couldn't dodge her Concept whenever she would unleash it. As for the result, her opponent would stop at times similar to being stunned.

On the other hand, Irina was agilely dodging the blurry projectiles being shot by her opponent as she tried to close in on her.

Irina was an Attack-type while her opponent was a Support-type according to the onlookers from the same group as her.

Aldrin thought that the fight would continue for a longer time considering the two appeared to be in an even matchup. However, after a few more projectiles that were keeping Irina at bay, her opponent's refined energy reached near-exhaustion, resulting in the Energy Refiner making an error in judgement because of the slower release of her incomplete Concept.