Knowing the Situation

After a clicking sound which meant that somebody answered the call, Aldrin heard a barely audible voice. 

Because of the Dimensional Clone's distance from Carlos, he failed to hear what the other party said.

However, finding out that it's not the device to open a Dimensional Rift but in fact, a way for the man to contact somebody else pulled some pins clogging his head. After sighing in slight relief, his ability to think clearly somehow returned and the panic alarming inside his head toned down.

"He might not have the device but if his phone can be used, the one he's contacting is also inside this fortress. A possibility that his companion is the one holding onto that device."

By birthing a new doubt in his head, Aldrin commanded his Dimensional Clone to draw closer.

At the moment, Carlos still hadn't sensed that someone was watching and following him.