A Champion again?!

With the difficulty rising for a bit, the subsequent waves started posing a challenge to Aldrin.

However, even if he only used it frugally, the Essence Grenades he prepared and his Shadow Clone that could kite the insects in one place before detonating it lowered that difficulty by a huge margin.

The Waves 6 to 9 ended in less than two minutes earning him an additional 1500 IDLE points on top of the 1000 points he received during the first five waves.

And now. After saying skip, Aldrin's body tensed up all at once.

[Wave 10/10: 32 Black Soldier Spiders, 16 Black Elite Soldier Spiders, 4 Black Long-legged Spiders, 2 Spider Sentinels and 1 Spider Champion]

"… A champion. And this time, I have to defeat it. I was initially expecting another spider type stronger than the Sentinel but a Champion was just overboard! This damn game made me feel great with its bonus points! Now it's going to rob me of that. And my Idle Adventure runs too!"