Against the Ant Champions

Without hesitation, Aldrin's refined energy churned and oozed out of his feet before it took an almost colorless hue.

Shadow Steps!

Using that Concept, Aldrin charged through the blossoming Life Energy explosion, ignoring the fact the four other Ant Champions were all put a target on his back, keen on preventing him from doing what he planned.

They got careless, or rather, they hadn't expected that Aldrin could be that crafty. Like he said, the Ant Champions who was like the pinnacle of strength among their Colony was confident that Aldrin wouldn't be able to get past them.

Despite the third tier of the multiplier, his own estimated strength was only around early Stage 2 Energy Refiner or a little above it. He could solo a Guardian Ant or a Spider Sentinel without the help of his Dimensional Clones or using an Essence Grenade.