Straightening their Agreement (1)

"That's her. The strongest trainee from the Paleheart City." Irina pointed at a green-haired girl that's more or less the same age as her. She's wearing a uniform slightly similar to what they're wearing. A Trainee Uniform of sorts that was being used to identify them.

Although it couldn't be said that she's walking alone, none of the Trainees from the same city was approaching her. It's like she was put up on a pedestal where they could only look up at her.

Aldrin eyed her and the green-haired girl coincidentally looked in his direction after one of those following her whispered something while pointing at him.

Her eyes narrowed as she scanned Aldrin but seconds later, she averted her gaze after giving him a scornful look. She then walked away with her followers trudging after her.

"Wha?! That's rude!"