Minor Aura Veil

The first to make her move was the green-haired girl. Her refined energy created a miniature whirlwind launching her off towards Aldrin.

Her glaring eyes seemed to bore a hole in his person.

From what he heard from the information leaked by Janet, the girl is called Mila Raison. Someone from a prestigious lineage in their city. Although prestigious might be exaggerated, it was at the standard of every Secondary City on the planet.

She's known to be a bonafide expert when it comes to rapiers. However, until now, she only showed her skills in that regard during the sparring against guest Energy Refiners. And only this time did she draw her rapier out.

Which meant, she considered Aldrin and the long-haired guy as worthy opponents.

The girl left afterimages behind her as she instantly arrived before Aldrin, aiming to stab him with the thin blade of her rapier.