King of the Area

Having convinced Irina, Aldrin made his move and operated his Metadome to jump and slowly slid down the cliff, assisted by the Maneuver Assistance module.

As it wasn't that high, he successfully landed on the moist ground in less than a minute, the legs of the Metadome burying a bit because of the momentum of his landfall. 

With his gaze still locked on the minimap, he keenly observed his surroundings. Although it's still the same as what he saw from on top of the cliff, he noticed more notable details.

"There are no footprints of any dimensional creatures or any sign that someone or something ever wandered in this part." He muttered as he carefully extended his senses.

"Isn't that more suspicious? We can find another place to camp. Come back here." From the corner of his screen, Irina replied. Anxiety slightly filled her face.

"I'll keep my word to just scout this out. I need you to trust me in this, Irina…"