Black Miasma

Yes. With the IDLE Database confirming the death of the Abyssal Wolf. The danger should've ended right there.

However, along with that question that someone raised, Aldrin suddenly felt a chill running through his spine.

"Wait. Could it be?" His mind sharply went into an odd turn as a grim possibility suddenly cropped up in his mind.

As quickly as he could, his eyes focused on the minimap that was being updated in real-time by the mysterious system.

From where he's standing, the red dot that marked the existence of the Abyssal Wolf had all but disappeared.

However, a few pixels from it, another red dot had started emerging.

Quickly estimating the direction, Aldrin hurriedly tried to confirm it. The IDLE Database wouldn't suddenly make an error in its judgement. It could even bend rules in a small dimension. That's why there's no reason for it to suddenly err in one of its features.

"Irina! Hurry up and retreat!"