Hidden Dimension

Aldrin didn't lead the charge this time and instead, he helplessly stopped the pursuit. From afar, they could see that the black miasma had already stopped in the middle of the plains while the instructor, who turned out to be Janet, had successfully caught up with it.

However, she was helpless as to how she could draw out the dimensional creature hiding in it or even find a way to know Irina's state.

"Aldrin! Aren't you going to rescue her? Why are we left standing here?!"

Once again, Clark nagged at him but even though rage had started to fill his mind, he wouldn't be reckless enough to enter the herd of Felsheep.

They weren't attacked since they're still outside their territory but once they stepped foot or even launched an attack, they'd be swarmed and possibly trampled in no time.

Aldrin thought of using Essence Grenades to lure them away and create a path but decided against it upon trying once.