Reaching the Fragment Core

Another hour later, by progressing further into the dimension and close to the Fragment Core, Aldrin and Irina found themselves in a clearing. It's an unusual spot in the thick forest where the night sky could be viewed perfectly.

As cautious as ever, despite not having any indication that there was any dimensional creature nearby, Aldrin vigilantly watched their surroundings. After making sure that nothing was amiss, he relaxed his guard and spoke to Irina.

"We're close to the Fragment Core. It's half an hour away. To make sure that we'll know what we're going to face, I'll send two of my clones to it first and we'll be moving ten minutes behind."

"I understand. We haven't encountered anything for a while now, it's kind of making me nervous. Feels like we're in a calm before the storm."

"Yeah. My gut instinct is telling me the same thing. We're more than prepared but let's add another layer of protection."