1. Where madness dwells

Kira stood by her bedroom window, watching the once bright sky filled with black clouds. She knew it was going to rain and she had to get to work before it started pouring.

Kira Quinn was a nineteen year old university student. Who worked part-time at a café during the week and full-time on the weekends. She lived in a two-bedroom apartment with her best friend Rebecca Lewis. She had a very pale complexion with wavy, shoulder-length espresso brown hair. Unique deep brown eyes and a heart-shaped face with a wide forehead. Her eyes are large and she had a thin nose and prominent cheekbones.

"Hey Kira," Her roommate called, pushing her room door open. "Are you ready?" She asked Kira who was slipping her shoes on.

"Yeah. Let me get my bag," Kira mumbled, reaching for her black leather backpack.

"You always wear your hair in that stupid low bun," Rebecca complained. As she walked towards Kira and yanked her hair loose.

"Rebecca," Kira protested. "Why'd you do that?"

"Leave it," Rebecca chirped. "Besides we have to get going if we're going to make it before the rain."

"Fine," Kira agreed, reluctantly.

Rebecca Lewis was twenty years old, she and Kira both enrolled in the University of California, Los Angeles. She was very pretty. She had wavy platinum hair, that goes a bit passed her shoulders. And bright blue eyes, Chubby cheeks and a straight nose. With a curvy body type.

Both girls headed downstairs, only stopping at the door to slip their coats on. Afterward, they went down the porch and took off in the direction of the café.

Shortly after, arriving at June's café the rain began pouring.

It's going to be a long night, Kira thought, as she trailed behind Rebecca to the staff locker room.

"Girls," Mrs. Myers greeted.

"Hi, Mrs. Myers," they greeted in unison.

"Tyrese and Kimberly had called in sick, so it's just us three." She spoke with much enthusiasm.

"Great," Kira mumbled sarcastically.

Soon after, Mrs. Myers went to her office. While Kira and Rebecca went to the front, where people started filling up.

It was a quarter to nine when Rebecca received a phone call from the hospital saying her mother was in a car accident.

"I'm so sorry," Kira pulled Rebecca in a tight hug as she sobbed on her shoulder.

"Is she okay?" Mrs. Myers asked.

"They won't tell me." Rebecca sobbed.

"Let me take you to the hospital," Mrs. Myers offered, picking up her purse.

"Thank you," Rebecca sniffed.

It hadn't been long since Rebecca and Mrs. Myers went to the hospital and so far the Café had been empty.

Kira was messaging Rebecca about her mother's condition when the doorbell chimed and a man dressed in a black cloak walked in. So she picked up her notepad and went over towards the window seat that was now occupied.

"Hello, I'm Kira and I'll be your server," She greeted. "What can I get you?" She raised her notepad.

"Hmm," He hummed before his eyes traveled to her face. "A cup of your blood." He flashes her a dangerous grin, showing his pointy teeth.

"Pardon me?" Kira asked, her knees were ready to give out.

"You're taking a bit too long," He mumbled trailing off, "And I'm famished." He shoved the chair backward as his teeth began to morph into fangs.

"What a-are y-you?" Kira stuttered as she turned on her heels and made a beeline for the front door.

"Why do they always have to do that?" He grumbled to himself. But he loved a good chase, and in the blink of an eye, he was standing at the door.

"Stay away from me!" Kira cried, tossing the notepad at him.

But it was of no use, one minute the girl was standing before a dangerous predator. His hand flew out and clasped her throat, leaving her without air. Kira clawed at his hands as she struggled in his tight grip but it was of no use. His hands were hard, with broad fingers and nails as thick and ridged as little clamshells.

And the next thing she knew he threw her over the table as she fell through the furniture with a loud thud. She lay flat on her back over broken furniture, gasping for air as she tried crawling away.

"Now, where do you think you're going?" Jason taunted as he inches closer towards her.

"Get away from me!"

Jason grin as he slams his hand down hard onto Kira's leg, breaking her bone. She screams out in pain but is thrown down again, landing on a shard of glass. Causing a bloody cut on her leg.

Upon seeing the blood seeping from her injuries, Jason lost control and moved in for the kill. He jumped on top of her and sank his fangs in her right wrist, she writhed in pain as venom entered her bloodstream.

Her piercing screams echoed through the empty night. She began losing consciousness and she gradually welcomed the darkness. Until she felt Jason being prying off her.

She caught glances but it was only blurred images. Both throwing each other through the air and against the walls, causing them to crumble. Then everything began to fade but before she could pass out, she was shaken awake.

"Stay with me," whispered the female.


Kira woke up from the sun shining brightly in her hospital room through the windows. The sun's rays dazzled her and forced her out of a deep slumber. She rubbed her eyes open and was about to sit up when she felt something on her leg.

"A cast?" She mumbled, then the front door opened and Rebecca walked inside.

"Hey," Rebecca greeted, "How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" Kira asked, "Everything is just a big blur."

"I'm not sure," Rebecca answered, "But the police said that it was a robbery gone wrong."

"Oh," Kira mumbled, "But why can't I remember?" She asked with a pout.

"The doctor said, it's likely you'll have a minor concussion." Rebecca explained, "You did hit your head pretty hard."

Soon after, a doctor walked inside the room.

"Hello, Ms. Quinn, I'm doctor Jennifer," the lady greeted.

She had straight golden-blonde hair that was in a high ponytail and chocolate brown eyes with an accent.

She had a British accent.

That voice sounded so familiar yet unfamiliar.

Where did I hear that voice? Kira thought.

"Are you okay, Ms. Quinn?" Jennifer asked, "Are you remembering something?"

"No, I thought I had heard your voice before. But you are a doctor so I must have heard you talking to me when I got here," Kira explained.

Silently, Jennifer let out a sigh and began to check the monitor, after doing so she left the room.


Meanwhile, Jason was feeding on a human in the alleyway Jennifer appeared.

"What's wrong with you?" She growled, "You could have killed her?"

But Jason only ignored Jennifer's scowling as he sank his fangs deeper into the female neck. Having enough of Jason's lack of care for mortal's life, Jennifer ripped the female throat out. And this caused Jason's attention to fell on her.

"Stay away from me, dear sister," Jason spat before he disappeared with the wind.