24. Haunted by the truth

[18 hours earlier]

I'm doing this for Jennifer. Her suffering is for Jennifer.

Jason chanted but the truth haunted his waking conscious. Jennifer would willing go to war for her even knowing she might not returned.

"Marcus was right. I am doing this for my own twisted pleasure." He muttered to himself, while he laugh cynically.

"Promise me, dear brother. If something is to happened to me you will look after her." Jennifer voice replay in his mind.

Upon seeing Jason puzzled expression, Jennifer said. "You are not beyond redemption, dear brother. Promise me."

"I promise." Jason answered his voice never wavered.

"I have not kept my words!" Jason whispered in the dark.

As a storm broke out, crying and howling into the gloomy night. The storm outside was relentless, whipping the branches and leaves side to side. 

You're not beyond redemption, dear brother

He heard Jennifer's voice whispered through the thunderstorm.

Without wasting any more time Jason arranged for Kira to be moved into the bedroom next to his.


Jason stood in woods across Kira's apartment. Ever since Kira stumbled into his manor he would occasionally checked on her roommate.

Today was one of those days, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Until two vampires got out of a black Suv and went up her porch.

Jason knew something wasn't right from their body language. They're either going to kill her or take her to Jackson.

"Going with the latter I see," Jason  mumbled as they inject a syringe into her neck.

Jason knew Jackson wasn't going to kill her instead he was going to use compulsion on her.

She knew nothing so compulsion would be useless... Jason thought until a light pulp went off in his head.

He was going to use her to bring Kira to him.


Kira stared at him in disbelief. How could he do this? He couldn't kept me here against my will. Lock away like some condemmed prisoner.

Tears welled up in her eyes as her lip quivered, how could he? She balled her hand into a fist.

Jason stared at her in amusement. Grinning sheeplishy at her misfortune when Kira slapped him across his face.


The sound echoed in the room. "You cannot keep me here!"

"Oh, but you see... I can." Jason taunted, his lip curled into a smirk.

"You.. you.. !" Kira attempted for another slap but Jason caught her hand in mid air.

"If you ever try that again..." Jason squeezed her hand tightly, His claws digging deep into her flesh. "I'll kill you." He finishes as blood dripped from her wound.

"Clean this mess," he looked at the maid gesturing to the blood stained carpet. "And for you.." he looked at Kira there was a sinister glint in his eyes. "Locked her inside her room."

"You can't do that!" Kira protested but Jason was already leaving the room without sparing her a glance.

Jason stood in the park with a cappuccino in his hand, the breeze blew against his skin.

"Do you think locking her away was the right choice?" Marcus asked.

"It's the only choice." Jason whispered.

"I'm sorry you're hurting, old friend." Marcus rested his hand on Jason shoulder in an comfort manner.

"How is Cora?" Jason asked, changing the subject.

Cora was Marcus six year old daughter.

Marcus smiled and his eyes twinkled, thinking about his daughter. "She's fine. She's growing into a real gem."

"Elena was beautiful so I expected nothing less from Cora." Jason smiled at him.

"Cora talked about you and Jennifer a lot," Marcus spoke. "When I told her what happened to Jennifer she didn't eat for three days."

"She would occasionally asked when are you coming to visit her." Marcus said, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Soon," Jason assured him.

After hours of wandering around the park. Marcus received an emergency  called from the hospital and left shortly.

Jason stood by the pond with both his hands buried inside his pocket. This was Jennifer's favorite place in the park. Every time they would visited Jennifer would spend her time here and fed the ducklings.

"Jason," Jackson called as he approached the pond. "

"Jackson," Jason nodded at him in acknowledgement.

"You have become a hard man to fine."

"You were looking for me?" Jason asked with a raise brow.

"Someone is hiding the girl." Jackson exclaimed.

"I'm not interested in the girl, so why would you tell me that?" Jason asked in a dead tone.

"Your sister found her quite fascinating." Jackson spoke.

"I'm not my sister, I'm I?" Jason asked, now meeting Jackson's cold eyes. "In fact, when I find her... I'm going to ripped her to shreds." His eyes no longer there sapphire blue but a golden shade.

"I'm not interested in the girl," Jason spoke, breaking the silence. "But the warlock is."

"What warlock?" Jackson questioned curious about what Jason had to say.

"He attacked me the night I took Kira home from Lux." Jason answered. "He wanted the girl."

"There's plenty of warlocks I can't go knocking on every door now... can I?" Jackson asked sarcastically. "Is there anything that you can tell me about him?"

"He fought with a mace and he had wings." Jason recalled.

"Ah huh," Jackson exclaimed. "I think I might just know the demon you're referring to."

Not long after Jackon turned on his heels and left, leaving Jason by the pondside.

Jason had always considered himself lonely but after the last family member he had left him. He now knew what true loneliness felt like.

He wanted to die but the gods wouldn't let him.

That night as he walked through the deserted street he came to a stop out side Time Zone Art Studio. As he reached for the entrance door his face contorted into a frown. Quickly moved away from the door, he was furious as his eyes no longer there hazel green but completely black.

His instinct took over, next thing he found himself standing infront of a door. There was yelling and whimpers coming from behind the door. Jason kicked the door from the hinge.

There was a woman badly beatened with a black eye and bruises covering her arms were curled in the corner. She had a little boy who looked no more than five in her arms. Covering his face in the crook of her neck.

"Get out of my house!" The man yelled, tossing a beer bottle at Jason head but he missed. And it shattered into the wall behind him.

"You shouldn't have done that." Jason spoke in a low dangerous voice before he punce on the man.

He slashed his throat opened with his claws, blood spurted everywhere as his body fell with a loud thud.

Blood was sprayed on Jason's clothes and face. He clenched his fist before speeding out of the house.