34. They fear different

Jaquan tugged at his hair in frustration before you finally spoke. "Are you blind?" He asked but didn't wait for her to reply because he spoke. "That good for nothing jerk was never a real boyfriend. For god sake, he hit you and gave you drugs."

"You know nothing!" Rebecca shouted, pointing her finger accusingly at him. "He loved me."

"Your delusional," Jaquan said, looking at her as if she had grown two heads. "You were just needy and he took advantage, your grown so desperate that you settled to degrade yourself."

And to add salt to the wound he mumbled, "Kira would have been disappointed."

"Leave," Rebecca said in a meek voice. But when he didn't show any sign of leaving she yelled. "Now!"

And without sparing her a glance Jaquan turned on his heels and furiously stormed out of the room. On his way down he wouldn't helped but grumbled why wasn't Rebecca using logic? Was she that far gone?

Shooting Tracy one last glare he turned and left the room. Back inside Rebecca's room she was in full panicking mood.

"Dickson is dead?" She murmured but it came out like a question.

"I'm so sorry," Tracy spoke.

"How did he.. How did he died?" Rebecca sobbed.

"It was an animal attack," Tracy recited.

"A-animal?" Rebecca asked looking at Tracy with red puffy eyes, but she only nodded.

"Did they said what kind of animal?" Rebecca asked.

"No," came Tracy's short reply.

After Rebecca had regained her composure she went to the hospital to identify his body for herself. Upon there arrival they rushed to the morgue. The Coroner showed her Dickson's body and explained that his cause of death was due to excessive amount of blood loss.

Rebecca would only nodded, sicken by the state of Dickson's dismembered limbs. On the way back home Rebecca finally spoke.

"You never tell me that an animal ripped his arms and legs off!"

"I.. I'm sorry," Tracy stuttered not meeting her eyes.

"Get out!" Rebecca ordered, as the car came to a sudden stopped.

"Rebecca..." Tracy called but was only met with silence.

"There could be wild animal out there," Tracy tried to reasoning with her.

"Get out of my car or I'll drag you out." Rebecca glared at her, seeing that she was beyond reasoning with Tracy complied but not before calling her a bitch.

Rebecca drove off without even sparing Tracy a glance.

"She is such a bitch," Tracy cursed loudly as rain poured down on her. "When I get my hands on her, she is so dead." She was furious as she walked down the road but fate had other plans for her.

"And what do we have here?" Tracy heard a man's voice but when she turned around there wasn't anyone.

"Whose there?" Tracy asked while she looked around frantically.

"No need to be afraid." Cooed the man before he appeared behind her, "The fun is just starting." he whispered and Tracy turned to meet a pair of brow eyes.

"Who are you?" Tracy asked cowering away.

"Not a who but a what," he grinned mischievously.

"What do you want?" She asked as her heart pound against her ribcage.

"I'm bored." came the man short response before his fangs elongated and he grinned at her sadistically.


Jason wasn't only speechless but there was terror in his hazel-green eyes. Kira became scared for him for some unknown reason and felt like she had to do something but didn't know what to do.

Suddenly the servant came to served desert and removed the empty plates, bringing both of them back to the real world.  Jason was truly startled as he have been completely lost and then as of something has dawned to him, he went back to normal with an indifferent looked.

When Kira finally noticed the chocolate sculpture that was placed on the table, her mouth began to run water. But the moment was short lived when Jason cleared his throat and excused himself.

"But..." Kira protested, "What about desert?"

"Enjoy your meal," Jason wished before he left the room.

Kira only sighed before it was quickly replaced with a grin, she had no intention of letting Jason ruined her desert. After finishing a slice of the delicious sculpture she went for second.

That night Kira went to bed with a bloated stomach she even requested a slice of cake be brought to her room.

"So how did dinner went?" Lydia asked, placing the slice of cake on the bedside table.

"It was strange," Kira frowned.

"What happened?" Lydia questioned and Kira began to recite everything that had happened.

"He did?" Lydia asked surprised by her master's action.

Kira only nodded before she said, "And he left right after."

"You know what I think?" Lydia asked wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestively manner. "I think you coaxed him with your beauty and he was falling in love."

Kira stared at her friend like she had grown two head before Lydia burst out laughing.

"You are crazy for thinking such things," Kira shook her head in disbelief.

"Your being naive." Lydia grumbled, "Master, had never shown any sort of affection to anyone."

As Kira drifted off to slumber the wouldn't help but wonder if Jason was indeed falling in love with her. That night she had a dream or perhaps it was a memory.

It was of a girl, she was running though the woods at unimaginably speed, everything became a blur. She came to a halt at a small cottage, fixing her dressed before entering inside.

"Bo, is that you?" She heard a man called.

"Yes, dad," she answered before appearing in the kitchen.

"Where were you?"

"I went to the market," she answered in whisper.

"How many times have I warned you about going into town by yourself?" The man asked with a frown. "Its dangerous."

"I know, papa but I promise I was careful. She assured him, showing him the coat that was in her hand.

"They won't hesitate to kill you, Bo."

"Why?" She asked just then an angry tear slipped down her pale cheek.

The man sigh before he answered. "Because you are different, and they feared different." The man exclaimed, pulling her into his embraced.